Chapter Five-

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A couple of days later Bella and I were waiting to go on a school trip when Mike came over to talk to Bells. He asked if Bells would be interested in going to the prom with him.

"So do you. Want to go to the prom...with me."

"Prom" She breathes anxiously "Dancing, that's not really a good Idea." Bells took my hand and gave a double tap which was her sign for help

"Yeah and we're not here that weekend. We're going to Jacksonville."

"Can't you go another weekend?" Mike asked

"Non refundable ticket" I answered

"You should ask Jess. I know she wants' to go with you." Bells finished

"Yo, yo, yo. We gotta go, we gotta go. Green is what? Good. Let's go guys, come on." I had left we got on the bus and set off


"Egg shells carrot tops. Compost is cool. Now stuff that in there Eric." Mr Minola said

"Yes sir

"Now I'm gonna make a steaming cup of compost tea." Me and Bella were joking about as we walked through I held out my hand for the plants to brush against my skin. I walked ahead of my sister.

"What's in Jacksonville?" Edward made me jump.

"How did? How did you know about that?" I replied

"You didn't answer my question."

"Well you never answer any of mine so... I mean you don't even say hi to me. You just scare the crap out of me." I huffed


"Are you going to tell me how you stopped that van?" I wondered

"Yeah. I had an adrenaline rush. It's very common. You can google it." My foot caught on something causing me to trip.

"Can you at least watch wear you walk?"

"You did not just say that?" shook my head

"Look, I'm sorry I'm being rude all the time. I just think it's the best way."

"Jackie, Bella. Guess who just asked me to prom." Jess cut in

"Who?" Bells asked

"Yeah, I actually totally thought that Mike was going to ask you. It's not going to be weird though right."

"No. Zero weirdness."

"I'm Happy for you Jess." We finished the tour and I headed out.

"Bella, look it's a worm." I shook my head as I went back to the busses.

"Jackie. look we shouldn't be friends."

"You should have figured that out a little earlier. Maybe you should have let that van crush me and save you the regret hummm."

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