Chapter Twenty Two - Badass Human

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Chapter Twenty Two - Badass Human.

"Good, we're alone" I breathed I felt around for a pillow and started hitting Edward

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"Good, we're alone" I breathed I felt around for a pillow and started hitting Edward

"Are. you. freaking. insane." I yelled when we reached a private house "Suicide really."


"No, human talking vampire shutting up and listening." I dropped the pillow and gripped my hair.

"Revealing yourself to the human's. Vampire 101 I know that and I'm human. You call me reckless."

"I thought you were dead."

"Does it look like I'm dead. Hell does it sound like I'm dead. You hear funeral and you think me? Gosh vampires are so dumb. I mean you were the one who left me Edward. You, I didn't want you to go but you have this ridiculous idea that everything that happens to me is on your shoulders. News flash it isn't!"

"Calm down."

"Did you not hear the shut up part!" he sighed

"I was me long before I met you. It's my life and I decide what I want to do with it. Not you and certainly to the rejects that call them self royals." I spat. Okay breathe, this is not the boxing ring." I calmed myself down

"Give me one good reason, why I should just hitch a ride out of your life forever." he chuckles.

"You think I'm joking, I can have cars and flights booked before I can reach the front door. What's stopping me."

"Jackie, I left because I thought it was the best chance for you to have a normal happy life."

"Don't you get that six month ago you were my life. But then you left and you broke me. I went through hell."

"I apologise."

"Sorry isn't enough Edward. It might be for Bella but I'm not completely like her. I love you. I do, but I will walk out just like you did on me, except this time I know I can make a promise and keep it. I've seen people love from a distance. You give me a reason Edward. Convince me that you're not going to hurt me." I felt his lips on mine. He pulled away.

"I swear to you on my life. That I will not leave you again."

"Good, because if you do, I'll find you and rip you to shreds just to make a point." He chuckled


I panted waking up, then jumped feeling a hand on my cheek

"It's okay. I'm here."

"I know." I took his hand

"You were having a nightmare?"

"No, adrenaline dream. My nightmares stopped a while ago. Sleeping is the only rush I get now." I could hear him smile.

"Go back to sleep, I will be hear when you wake up." I nodded and hummed

"Stay and talk to me."

"Charlie's coming." The door opened and it turned over.

"Everything okay?"

"Yeah, Adrenaline dream, it was so fun." I smiled. When I got back. Dad was mad at Bella, He had every right to be. He would have been mad at me two but as far as he knew I had just come back from Louisiana when I met Bella at the airport

"Good to know. Do you feel better?"

"Lot's. Night Dad."

"Night Jack." He closed the door. Edward kneeled down

"He's not gonna forgive us easily. I'm not expecting you to either."

"I've already made it clear what happens if you try to leave me again." he chuckled "Come here" I reached out for his shirt and brought him into a kiss.

"Once I've changed, you won't ever be able to get rid of me."

"Alice won't have to. There are always way to keep the volturi in the dark." He was still on that. I sighed.

"No. No." I got out of bed and went to get dressed.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm not doing this again, Edward. You are not dictating what I'm going to do with my life." I slipped into some of my old clothes and tied my hair up. I then opened Bella's door.

"Jasper, outside please." There was a whoosh

"Jack, what's going on." I found my way to her bed and sat down

"You know what I learnt while I was away. Bells?"


"Life is what I make it. It was my decision to play with bottles I shouldn't have. I became blind. I got kicked out very skill fully of visually impaired schools, I went to one that prepared me for the future and got me back to you. I fell in love with a vampire and forgot who I was and what I wanted. Not anymore. If you're in the same boat as me about wanting to become a vampire, then let us make it happen, either way Edward and Jasper are always going to be against it."

"So your saying we should go straight to the source. We take charge."

"Now you're talking. Get dressed, no time like the present." She jumped out of bed and changed


Half an hour, Bella and I stood arm in arm at the Cullen's house. Jasper and Edward were behind us on the stairs as we talked to everyone else.

"You know what we want." I started "And I know how much I'm asking for."

"The only thing we can think of it to be fair is a vote. We already know what our boyfriends think."

"You don't know what you're saying."

"Edward, shut up." I say

"Alice?" Bella asked

"Yes, I already know it anyway but Yes." She came over and hugged us

"I'm sorry, but no." Rosalie replied "I'm really sorry to both of you for how I acted, and I'm really grateful that you were brave enough to go and save my brother. But this isn't a life I wouldn't have chosen for myself. And I wishh there has been someone to vote no for me. So no." I nodded understanding.

"I vote hell yeah." Emmett stated I let out a little screech as he picked me up and held me like a baby on his hip them hugged my sister. "We can pick a fight with the volturi some other way." I shook my head at his silliness.

"I already consider you apart of the family." I was swung round to face Esme. "Yes."

"Emmett put me down." he chuckled and let me go suddenly. But I landed perfectly. I wasn't going to bury my training anymore. I was strong and I wasn't going to let it get out of control.

"Carlisle." Bella muttered as he came closer

"Why are you doing this to me. You know what it means."

"You've chosen not to live without them, which leaves me no choice. I'm not going to loose my sons. So yes." the vote had gone in our favour. Which means I was going to become a vampire.

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