Chapter Thirteen - Tricked and Hospital

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Chapter Thirteen - Tricked and Hospital

Bella was packing  when her phone went off

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Bella was packing  when her phone went off.

"Who is it?" I asked

"It's home. I'll put it on speaker" She did so.

"Mom, I'm glad you got our message. What are you doing home?" She started

"Bella,? Bella? Bella, where are you?"

"Calm down everything's fine."

"Bella, Bella!" I felt as if there was something was wrong on the other end but I didn't know what.

"I'll explain everything later." There was shuffling

"Mom, are you there?" I asked

"Forks High School doesn't protect its students privacy very well. It was just too easy for Victoria to find your previous address." I stood up bolt straight hearing James' voice on the other end. "It's a nice house you have here. I was prepared to wait for the two of you, but them Mom came home after she received a very worried call from your Dad, and it all worked out quite well."

"Wait, wait."

"Don't you touch her, or I swear I'll rip your head off." I sneer down the phone and he laughed

"You can still save her but you're gonna have to get away from your friends."

"Where should we meet you?" Bella asked taking my hand

"How about your old ballet studio. I'll know if you bring anyone other than your sister along. Or poor mummy would pay the price." He hung up and I grabbed my jacket.

"Cleo, stay here sweetie." I grabbed my cane and Bella escorted me out.

"Coast is clear, let's go."

"I can't believe were doing this."

"We have too, for Mom. Here's a taxi."

"Mimi's studio please." The driver took us to Bella's ballet studio and we paid before getting out.

"Here we go." I muttered at I was taken in.


"Bella? Bella? Bella where are you?"

"Mom!" We ran over to somewhere and heard Mom again. Bella opened the doors and I heard my Mom and a younger Bella. taking about how Bella sucked

"You do not suck." There was a laugh behind us.

"That's my favourite part. You were a stubborn child weren't you?"

"She not here is she." I breathed and I was pinned against the wall

"No. Sorry. But you know you really made it too easy. So to make things more entertaining, I'm gonna make a little film of our time together. I borrowed this from your house I hope you don't mind...And action." I tried to control my breath but I was panicking slightly.

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