Chapter Thirty Two - Alone, well sort off

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Chapter Thirty Two - Alone, Well Sort Of...

Chapter Thirty Two - Alone, Well Sort Of

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Bella pulled up outside our house.

"What's Alice doing here?" Bella wondered as we got out of the truck. Alice and Dad were laughing and talking.

"Okay, Alice. Don't be a stranger." Dad said to her

"I won't, promise." I heard him leave back for inside

"Your alibi for the battle is all arranged." she told us.


"I told your father that our whole family is going camping this weekend, so the three of  us are having a sleepover at my house. Charlie's going fishing anyway."

"Charlie?" Bella questioned. "You guys are on first name basis now?"

"Me he likes, actually the four of you will have the house to yourself." She informed us.

"Like alone?" I asked

"On separate sides of the house. We're all going hunting, powering up for the battle. You're welcome." I nodded and we both went inside.  I sat down at the table thinking about things.

"Now the sister I like." Dad says.

"Alice. Yeah she's great." Bella replied

"Dad." I spoke up "I was wondering, why did you never remarry? You know after Mom."

"Ugh, I don't know. Guess I still haven't met the right gal. Why?"

"I don't know. I thought that you might have given up on the whole idea of it, marriage. Do you think there is any value in it?"

"Yeah, marriage has value. When you're older, much older. Like your mother, it seemed to work for her the second time around later in life."

"Yeah I guess." I 'look' down.

"I mean you would want to get married if you wasn' know careful." I snapped my head up. Is he implying what I think he is?

"Excuse me?"

"Look, you know what I'm talking about. There's things you're gonna need to think about if you're going to be physically intimate." I stood up making the chair scrape behind me

"Please don't try and have the talk with us. Just no."

"It's just as embarrassing for me as it is for you."

"We highly doubt that." Bella jumps in also grossed out " And don't bother because Mom beat you too it like 10 years ago."

"Well you didn't have boyfriends 10 years ago."

"I'm sure things work the same way." I wince at the awkwardness and embarrassment

"Okay, so you guys are taking precautions."

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