Chapter Fifty Four - Change of Course

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Chapter Fifty Four - Change of Course

Chapter Fifty Four - Change of Course

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"Now you know. That's your future unless you decide on another course." Aro look haunted

"We cannot alter our course. The children still pose a great threat." Caius tried to dissuade his brother.

"But what if you could be sure they would remain concealed from the human world. Could we live in peace?" Edward asked clearly he knew something I didn't.

"Of course but that cannot be known?" Caius replied

"Actually it can." I looked up to him. More footsteps came onto the field

"I've been searching for witnesses of my own. Among the ticuna tribes of Brazil." Alice informed them

"We have enough witnesses."

"Let him speak brother." Aro held his had to Caius

"I am half human, Half vampire. Like the children. A vampire seduced my mother who died giving birth to me. My Aunt Huilen, raised me as her own."

"How old are you?" I asked stepping forward.

"150 years" he replied

"And at what age did you reach maturity?" Aro wondered

"I became full grown, seven years after my birth. I have not changed since then" I breathed a sigh of relief I looked back at the twins with a smile

"And what do you eat?"

"Blood, human food. I can survive on either."

"These children are much like us." Marcus drawled

"Regardless, the Cullen's have been consulting with werewolves and different breed of vampires. Our natural enemies." Caius retorted. Caius placed a hand on his brother shoulder and shook his head.

"Dear one's there is no danger here. We will not fight today." they all turned to leave. Nik sped towards them

"I don't remembering saying that you could go. Did you." They looked to Nik. "Sweetheart if you please." I looked at Edward giving him a apologetic look and kissing him.


I sat in the front room staring at the fire with Edward

"Edward." I looked him. There's something you have to know. Something I have to do when It comes."


"As you know over time the Orginals have grown quite fond of me. Nik he...he can have a king complex. I would never say that he is as vicious our as cruel as the Volturi. But he has this thing that the only people who hurt his family is those within the circle. He'll never admit it but he's come to see me as a daughter or at least a niece. He's very complicated. What I'm trying to say is that if there is a different path from what Alice saw is great. But either way he will make a lesson. Threaten his family and you will suffer."

"What's this got to do with you."

"I'm his little warrior ape. He will want me to make the example and out of loyalty I won't refuse him. I never have. I don't want it to happen Edward. I swear. But  at least one of them will die tomorrow. It's just a matter of who."

"You don't have to."

"I don't but I will. I've done it before."


I appeared next to him and looked up. He nodded I turned to my family and friends. Rebekah gave Mason to Edward and came over with her brothers. I lifted my hands out and pulled them in. The ground shook as I lifted them up. roots turned into vines creating a barrier between us. I turned back round. Looking up a storm cloud thundered blocking their hearing behind us.

"Did I forget to mention I know the big bad wolf." My whole persona changed

"You Jacqueline. You have friends in high places."

"Don't I just." I chimed

"Brother you wish to make a point. Make it. I'm not that fond of this cold." Elijah sighed

"Sure. Why not. You lot made a very big mistake coming after them. I don't like it when you make one. So in old time tradition. You must be taught to respect... your elders. Any suggestions."

"He's found of them two" I pointed to Alec and Jane.

"Are you now."

"Brother two's ever such a dull number. Let the little warrior have her game." Kol laughed

"I think your right. One for each of her family. Have at it love." I smirk as Aro's face turns from wonder to fear. Using my speed I grab Alec first and rip of his head and arms. Then Jane followed by Felix and Demetri. I returned to my spot with all four bodies dead. I brought out a lighter and threw it on them.

"I think that message was clear was it not?" Nik asked Elijah.

"Yes. Quite."

"Have a safe trip home. I returned to my normal stature. I feel bad about not feeling bad. I brought down the barrier, as the volturi ran

"We have them on the run. Now is the time to attack."

"No need." I stated walking back

"You're fools if you think they will forget about this." Stefan sneered I turned him around

"Do you see that fire?" I pointed to it.

"That fire symbolises that the come near my family or friends they're all dead." I shove past them and go to my husband where I pull him into a kiss.

"They'll never hurt us again." I whisper.

"I'm sorry you had to do that." I said nothing as I lifted Mason and Lilibet . We all shared a group hug.


We were all saying goodbye to our friends. I hugged everyone who had come to help me (TVD,TO GANG)

"Thank you. You don't know how much this means to me."

"I have a good idea." Elijah gave a little smile. Rebekah was staying behind with Seth. I watched them all get into their cars. I waved them off as the sped down the street. There was barking.

"Oh I brought a friend." Bekah said I turned and saw Cleo.

"Hey girl." he tail wagged so fast I thought it might fall of. I took her out back

"Mason, Lilibet ." They saw Cleo and bent down as she fan over the played with him as Edward wrapped his arms around me and I smiled

"Are we going to be together now?" Lilibet asked

"Yes, yes we are." I hugged them which they returned


In the meadow. Edward and I sat.

"I have something to show you." I told him smiling

"What is it?" He wondered taking my hand. Telepathically I asked Bella to lower my mind shield. I felt it drain away and I looked at him. Since seeing his face my mind filled in all the memories with us. I showed him from when i first met  to now. Bella slowly raised it back up.

"How did you do that?" He wondered

"Bella's been practicing. I had her lower it. Now you know I love you till my last light. Nobody has loved anybody as much as I love you."

"There's one exception." I kissed him

"Will you show me again?" I laughed

"We've got a long time."


"Forever." I nodded and we kissed again

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