Chapter Eleven - Baseball

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Chapter Eleven - Baseball

Bells and I walked into the dining room where Dad was cleaning his guns

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Bells and I walked into the dining room where Dad was cleaning his guns. I grabbed onto the chair beside him.

"Got you another one." Bells put a can of Vitamin R in front of Dad

"Thanks." Bells was too nervous to spit it out so I went ahead.

"We have dates with Edward and Jasper Cullen."

"They're a little old for you. Aren't they?" Dad asked

"No, they're junior and we're juniors." Bells spoke up

"See the balance. I thought you liked the Cullen's?" I continued

"I thought you didn't like any of the boys in town."

"To be fair Dad, we didn't technically say that and they technically don't live in town, they live outside and come in for whatever." he sighed

"They're outside." I added

"They are?"

"They wanted to meet you. Officially."

"Okay then." I smiled.

"And could you be nice, they're important to us."

"Halo." I shook my head. Bella went to get them. I then felt Edward take my waist.

"Chief Swan." The greeted

"We wanted to formally introduce ourselves. I'm Edward Cullen."

"And I'm Jasper Hale, Sir."

"Hi Edward, Jasper."

"The girls won't be out too late tonight. They're gonna play baseball with my family." Jasper informed my Dad.

"Baseball?" he asked with an amused tone. I didn't need mind powers to know he was thinking about how we wouldn't and couldn't play.

"Yes, sir, that's the plan." he laughed a little

"Bella's gonna play baseball. Good luck with that."

"We'll take good care of them, we promise." Edward assured and I placed my hand on his. We broke to leave.

"Girls." I stopped and turned

"You still got that pepper spray?" he whispered

"Dad?!" I shook my head and left


Edward was fitting a baseball cap on my head while we were taking.

"Since when to vampires like baseball?" I asked amused

"Well it's the American, past time, and there's a thunderstorm coming it's the only time we can play. You'll know why when we start." They took us out of town to where the others were playing.

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