Chapter Forty Four - Red

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Chapter Forty Four - Red

Chapter Forty Four - Red

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-3rd person-

"Rebekah, take Elizabeth ." Edward handed his daughter to her "Both of you go." Hayley and Rebekah took the children out just as Rose was coming out with little Reneesme.

"Is Jackie okay?" Rose asked

"No." Hayley shook her head

"What did she have?" Alice asked. The vampire and hybrid shoed of their charges.

"Mason and Elizabeth" All three took the babies to be cleaned and wrapped up. Meanwhile on both rooms Edward and Jasper to save their wives.

"Come on, please don't leave me. Don't leave me" Edward muttered performing CPR.

"Bella, you promised. please." Jasper bit into her to give her as much venom as possible.

"I won't kill you." Jacob told Jasper

"After what you've done. Death would be too easy." he stormed out of the place crying.

"They didn't make it." Seth gulped. From afar one of the Paul watched as he sunk back into darkness.

Edward started biting into Jackie. before he held her

"Please, baby. Don't leave. Don't leave me." he whispered.

Paul arrived back at the rez where he told Sam that Jackie and Bella were dead. He and his pack left the emotional Billy and Sue. Jake calmed himself as he stood up. He saw now only one conclusion. Fulfil his promise. He stood up and went back into the house. He found Reneesme first. He got closer but in one moment she looked at him and everything had changed. He imprinted

Edward heard the thoughts of the wolves coming to destroy his family.

"Alice, Jasper,  Hayley!" Edward shouted all three of them ran out of the house while Rebekah took care of the twins. All four of them saw the wolves come out of the woods.

"They're  to many, We're out numbered" Alice stated

"I'm not going to let them harm my family" Edward and Jasper vowed. They attacked each other the wolves dominating. Esme, Carlisle and Emmett arrived back to help as did Leah and Seth. Each one in a battle with the other till all of them formed rank at the entrance. Jacob came running out of the house.

"Stop it's over" One of them tried to get past

"You kill her, you kill me. " Sam attacked Jacob who shifted into his wolf. Edward read his mind

"Jacob imprinted on Reneesme. They can't hurt her." Edward informs his family "Whoever a wolf imprints on, cannot be harmed. It's their most absolute law." Sam backed off a little

"What about the twins." Hayley asked and Sam snapped back into action Rebekah sped out and shoved her hand to Sam's throat

"One move and he's dead." She yelled at the wolves wanting to protect their Alpha. Rebekah looked at Sam.

"You harm one hair on their heads an it will be the worst thing you do." She snarled

"Let me tell you what I will do if either of those twins are harmed." She called as Sam shifted uncomfortably

"Hayley and I will injure you. Take you back to your precious reservation while we wait for my family arrive. Upon their arrival you will see everyone slaughtered, where you will proceed to beg for mercy. Just to make a point I will kill your imprints first. What are their names Hayley?" the blond vampire looked to her friend

"Emily, Kim, Claire, Rebecca, Mary- Kate and Lucille." Hayley listed Each of their imprinters bowed their head.

"I'll bet they'll taste delicious." She smirked

"They agree." Edward told Rebekah who took her hand away and gave a bright smile

"Lovely." The wolves retreated back to their land as Rebekah ran back inside to the children.

"Would you have done that." Rosalie asked Rebekah

"Yes, they have become very special. My family may fight like cats and dogs but we protect our own. Just because their married. Bella and especially Jackie are family.


Over the course of the next few days the girls were cleaned up as the completed their transformation.

"She's so still, it's un natural." Edward stated

"What if I didn't get to her in time?" Jasper wondered.

"You did, can you not hear her heart, she'll be fine." He told the two.

During that time the venom coursed through their bodies healing bones and making them look a lot healthier. Their hair brightened and face became soft. After three days their hearts beating for the final time.

Their eyes opened to revel blood red iris'

Their eyes opened to revel blood red iris'

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