Chapter Twelve - Show

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Chapter Twelve - Show

I opened the door and started yelling at him

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I opened the door and started yelling at him.

"What part of its over don't you get? Leave us Alone."

"Please don't do this." Jasper drawled.

"Get lost." Bella slammed the door and I ran upstairs. I was so grateful that I knew my way round this house not to have an accident.

"Girls what's going on?"

"We have to leave, We can't stay anymore." I went into my room and slammed my door. "Cleo started barking.

"Cleo shhh, it's okay. He's fine." She calmed down Edward was already packing a bag for me. I heard Charlie trying to talk to us.

"What do I even say to him. I don't want to hurt him."

"You'll have too." He kissed my head "I'll be at the truck." I nodded

"Jack, toiletries." I opened my door with my bag. She put them in.

"Did they hurt you?"

"No." I answered

"Did he break up with you?" I shut my door and continued packing.

"No!" I shouted and grabbed everything.

"Come on Cleo."

"We don't want this, we have to go home." I tell him "Bella, come on."

"Home? Your Mom's not even in Phoenix."

"She'll come home. I'll call her on the road."

"You're not driving home right now. You can sleep on it." I went downstairs "If you still feel like that in the morning."

" I'll pull into a motel I promise."

"Look, I'm know I'm not that fun to be around. But I can change, we can do more stuff together, I promise." I just, I couldn't do it I couldn't be that cruel.

"I'll be at the car."

"No, Jack."

"Bells, just. Not now." I walked out and to the car. I threw my stuff in back. and got in. I put my head in my hands. Bella got in and we pulled out.

"I said what Mom did when she left." She told me and I looked toward her sad. There was a bang on the side of our doors.

"Your Dad will forgive you." Jasper told Bella. Edward opened the door and lifted me up so I was sat on his lap. Cleo rested half of herself on Bella as she moved up for Jasper to Drive.

"He won't. You should have seen his face. I told him the same thing my Mom did when she was leaving him."

"It's the Only way he'd let you go." Jasper said and he wrapped his arms around me.

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