Blind debate

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Hello Everyone

So this story has been posted for a while now and there is a constant debate on what visually impaired /blind people do. Now as a writer who has honestly never been through half of what my characters do i take some if not a lot of creative license.

Also as a writer i get things wrong or i use things from other media (tv shows or films) and i mix them into stories like this one. Now for Jack who is also called Jackie/ Jacqueline depending on who is speaking to her or whether i have the motivation to put her name infull , is mixture of Alicia from the fantastic four films (the one with the hot Chris Evens) and Matt Murdock/ Daredevil. With characteristics from real people on you tube videos.

So as to the debate on whether what happens in my book happens in real life. Who knows. People live life the way they do their choice or not. They way the interpret things is different. There has been two sides to this.   Blind people don't do that or Blind people do. At first it was interesting knowing whether my interpretation happened in real life or not.

But now it's getting out of hand people reply to other people saying well i do or my friends do or something like that vs "seriously blind people don't do that."

When i first post stories that have a character that is different i over think things and am like maybe I shouldn't but, then i am like you know what if i get it wrong or not as accurate then thats fine i am a growing writer and if I choose to do it again then I will know for next time.

So here is my advice for readers whi have clicked on this story and have read the first few chapters. 1 look at the comments check if there is any like minded people that have already brought the topic up about this book. If they have please leave it alone because Its probably been hammered into my brain. If not and you think i need to know for future writing then by all means help this writer out.

2. If you have read the first few chapters ask yourself this. Am I okay with how this writer had decided to portray this character. If the answer is no and you have that niggling feeling that throughout out this book you'll be like thats not right, this isn't how things are supposed to be or something like that. By all means without judgement leave the book and find something else.

Tasha Amy

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