Chapter Fifty - Vampire Alliance

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Chapter Fifty - Vampire Alliance

We opened our home to 42 vampires of different kinds many with gift of their own

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We opened our home to 42 vampires of different kinds many with gift of their own. Zafrina had power over the mind. She could make you see anything she wanted to, like with Jasper and Edward. I saw a look of amazement which I couldn't understand.

"If she wasn't holding my hand right now, I could swear this was real." Jasper said

"I don't see anything." Bella replied

"No, neither can I." I added

"Jasper, you didn't tell me your wife was a shield." We all turned to Eleazar

"What's a shield?" Bella asked

"It's a defensive talent." Eleazar informed us.

"You're so different from other's I've met. It's why Edward couldn't read your mind, even before."

"What about me? I'm not a shield am I?"

"No, your gift is Ecokinisis. Sort of like Benjamin but it's mainly biased in the atmosphere around you."

"Then why could Edward read mind. Bella I understand."

"You're twin's correct"? I nodded "And you said you were blind, the connection could come from Bella's protectiveness over you. The need to shield you from harm steamed from a very human early age, possibly." I looked at my sister and smiled

"I thought I was supposed to be the older twin."

"Doesn't stop me from worrying."

"Jackie, you're gift could also be the reason, why you look so different. It's a theory that our gifts only truly manifest when we're vampires even then it stems from human childhood. Did you love the outdoors." I nodded "The nature around you surrounds you and changes you like a loving family would."

"So I loved the outdoors, that means the outdoors love me."

"It seeped into your skin. The mix of vampire and nature has made you different from the rest of us" Elazer said

"So Bella's shielded us our whole life?" Kate lifted her hands up and we looked at her

"Their shielded alright, that should have knocked them on their ass."

"Maybe you talents are over exaggerated." Garrett commented

"Or maybe they only work on the week." She held up her hand

"Garrett, I wouldn't." he touched her hand and sent crippling down.

"You are an amazing woman." Garrett flirted. I gave my sister an knowing look. They are totally a future couple.

"Mommy, Mommy is it true?" Mason, Lilibet and Ness came running out.

"Is what true, sweetheart?" I asked crouching down to them

"Uncle Kol said you couldn't beat him in a fight, then Uncle Nik and Rebekah bet him that you could because Nik taught you well."

"Oh really?"

"Can you kick butt Mommy?" Mason chirped.

"I tell you what why don't you get Kol to come out here and I'll show you." They cheered and ran off.

"Is she really going to do this?" I heard Tanya ask my husband.

"She's been doing this for a long time, she could do it as a human I'm sure as a vampire it won't take as long." Kol came out.

"You ready love?"

"Seriously! Challenging me through my children. didn't know you were such a wuss." he laughed

"Fighting talk." Someone came up behind me and I gripped their leg.

"Nice try...Rebekah."

"Couldn't help it." She smiled. I get it, this was a group thing. Damon sped up behind me and I jumped. so the fight began. Everyone except Elijah, tried to outsmart me. But I had been trained to think outside the box and even outsmart a original. I landed on Nik's back and grinned.

"You lose." he laughed

"Excellent. Nice to see you haven't changed everything." I shoved him playfully.

"Sound of howling wolves stopped our banter. A small group of us went to see what was going on. Two vampires were being snarled at by the wolves.

"Vladimir, Stefan. You're a long way from home" Carlisle called up to them

"We heard that the Volturi were moving against you. But that you would not stand alone." Vladimir stated

"We didn't do what we're accused of." Carlisle replied

"We do not care what you did Carlisle" Vladimir rolled his eyes

"We have been waiting a long time for the Volturi scum to be challenged" Stefan

"It's not our plan to fight the Volturi."

"Shame." Vladimir directed to his friend

"Aro's witnesses will be disappointed." Stefan replied

"Witnesses?" Eleazar questioned

"Still hoping they'll listen?"

"Vladimir, Stefan. How wonderful to see you still alive." Elijah, Nik, Kol and Rebekah appeared at our side. The two vampires eyes became filled with fear.

"Mikaelson's. Why are you here?" They hissed

"Awh don't be like that mate. We're on good intentions, cross my heart." He taunted

"Nik, let's go." I say he looks back as we all return to the house


"When Aro wants someone from a coven it's never long before evidence turns up, proving that coven committed some crime."

"So he's done this before?" Bella asks

"It happens so rarely. I never realised it was a pattern." Eleazar told us

"Apparently he always let's one go who thoughts he claims are repentant. This person always has an ability and are always given a place with the guard."

"It's got to be Alice. Aro has no one like her." Edward said.

"Which is why she left" I continued

"Why does he need witnesses?" Emmett wondered

"To spread the word that justice has been served. After he slaughters an entire coven." Amun and Kebi couldn't take it anymore.

"Benjamin, Tia. We're leaving."

"Where will you go?" Jasper asked "What makes you think they'll be satisfied with Alice? What's to stop them going after Benjamin next? Or Zafrina, Or Kate or anyone else with a gift, they want."

"This isn't punishment, it about power." Edward followed on "Carlisle won't ask you to fight but we will. For the sake of our family. But also yours and the way you want to live." there was a moment's silence before Jacob stood.

"The packs will fight, we've never been afraid of vampires." Bekah snorts.

"We will stand alongside you as well, it's been a long while since we made their acquaintance." Elijah corrected his suit slightly as the others agreed. One by one they all said yes to standing with us.

"We'll join you." Benjamin nodded.


"I will do the right thing Amun. You may do as you please." Benjamin replied

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