Chapter Seventeen

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"Okay, Bella and Jasper here, Edward and Jackie there

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"Okay, Bella and Jasper here, Edward and Jackie there." I was moved and held onto Edward.

" Group picture." I smiled

"Great now separate. Show me the love" I looked up in his direction


"Rosalie, you first."

"Bella's is a necklace and Jackie's is a Jewellery box. Alice picked it out."

"Not the jewellery box." Alice chimed "Now Emmett's." Mine was a small box. I opened it and took a charm bracelet.

"There's one for each of us. And Bella it's already installed in that hunk of junk you call..."

"Hey, don't dis the truck" Bella told him off. Edward fixed the bracelet on my wrist.

"This is from Esme and Carlisle." I was handed another gift.

"Just something to brighten up your day." I smile at the two. I went to open it then I hissed.

"Paper cut." The air went still I slipped it into my mouth. I gasped as I was shoved back, hitting a what I grunt falling to the floor.

"Jaz, Jaz, relax, it's just a little blood." Bella tried to calm her boyfriend down. I groaned holding my arm. I had a bigger wound.

"Carlisle." I winced

"Get Jasper out of here." He came over and looked at it

"Jackie." Bella came running over.

"I'm fine, go to Jasper." the others left and so did Bella

"I'll have to stitch this up in my office. Go check on Jasper, I'm sure he's very upset with himself and I'll doubt he'll listen to anyone but you and Bella right now. Edward" He told my boyfriend. He slowly walked out


I was being stitched up when I started talking with Carlisle.

"We that was a very climatic party."

"It's not your fault. Jasper hasn't been away from human blood as long as the rest of us. He just manages to control himself with your sister."

"Well she doesn't bleed a lot. So she has nothing to worry about."

"She has done both of you have.."

"We passed out so that to me doesn't count. How do you do it?"

"Years and Years of practice" I nod

"Did you think of doing it the easy way?"

"No, I knew who I wanted to be. I wanted to help people."

"We have that in common. Though no one will ever let me loose with a needle so I'll train to be different."

"And what do you want to be."

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