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I trotted along with my hands in my pockets shielding themselves from the cold.

The ground was covered by a thick sheet of white, the light crunching of snow beneath my feet mixed with the soft flapping of my scarf filled my ears as I tried to escape the harsh effects of the elements.

My nose stung from the contact of the bitter cold as I reach my destination. I rush to the door keys in hand as I fumble with the lock. Pushing the door closed with my foot I hurried over to the heater turning it on. I removed my thin gloved throwing them on the counter and blowing into my palms as I waited for the warm air to fill the space.

The smell of sugary treats was enough even for someone who didn't eat them to get cavities.

I took off my black wool trenchcoat placing it on the hook together with my scarf and hat.

I looked at the clock There was still a little time left but I didn't mind.

I shuffled over to the door again turning the switch so that the light's brightness matched the color of the ground outside, flipping the plastic sign that hung from the wall I unlocked the door so visitors could come in. We were now open for business.

I walked behind the counter and sat on the wooden stool placed out of sight from anyone on the other side. Pulling out a magazine I thumbed through the pages not really wanting to be bothered with the whole candy store deal, but it brought in enough for me to live comfortably and that was more than I could ask for.

The day progressed the light grey sky turned a bright blue and then into a burning orange color as the sun started to set. I looked at my watch.

"He'll be here any minute now." I pulled a small bag I'd kept under the desk for a regular who'd always show up right before closing.

He'd never say a word, he'd just go up and down each row scanning through the selection of treats picking the ones he wanted before coming and placing them in front of me.

After a while, I was finally able to memorize every item he'd chose...and this time I prepared it in advance. I tapped my fingers on the glass countertop leaning my head against my elbow as I waited when I heard the familiar chime of the small bell on the door.

Immediately the bright pastel pink hear caught my attention. His nose was red from the weather outside and he barely had on anything which surprised me.

Did his parents let him leave the house like that? I thought when I noticed the boy starting his usual routine.

"Hey kid come here!" I called out to him causing him to jump a little bit. He turned around to face me his fist tightly gripping the bottom of his shirt.

I waved him over and he slowly made his way to me. He stood his eyes cast to the floor as he fiddled with his clothing.

"Don't be scared, you're not in trouble." I grabbed the bag and hand it out to him, he stares at it glancing up quickly to look at my face before looking back at the bag.

"Go on, take it I don't bite." He hesitated so I walked around so that there was no longer a barrier between us. I gently took his hand placing the bag into it.

"It's all of your favorites, go ahead and check." He unraveled the bag peaking inside

"I picked them out earlier so if there's anything missing you can go back and get it." I watched scratching the back of my head as he checked the contents of the bag.

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little nervous to know whether or not I'd miss anything.

He closed the bag looking up at me he flashed a sweet smile.

"Thank You." My mouth dropped from the shock. Up until that point, he had never said one word to me nor did he look at me long enough for me to see his features clearly.

I gulped at the sudden act of cuteness from the boy.

He quickly looked down again trying to avoid my stare before reaching into his pocket and holding out some crumpled up bills.

I snapped back to my senses pushing the boy's hand closed.

"It's on the house there's no need." His eyes lit up like stars he bowed to me thanking me again before heading to the door.

"Hey, what's your name?" He faced me again with a big smile on his face.

"Jimin. Park Jimin." After saying so he happily skipped out the door back into the snow.

Park Jimin.....What a Cute Kid. The clock rang out signaling the end of my day. I packed up my things making sure I bundled up as much as possible before heading out.

Though it was cold my chest felt a little warmer than usual.

First chapter of Sa-tang as a 1k celebration thank you to all the readers thank you guys so much for all of your support!💙💚💛💜

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