♡ 14 ♡

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We pull up to a small house Taehyung waiting out in front.

"Tae Tae!" Jimin ran hugging the older before quickly glancing around.

"Where's Kookie?"


"Yah!" I yell out as a snowball hit the back of my head. I spun around only to see a flash of red speed pass me giggling

"I got you!" I stare at Jungkook as he shuffles a circle. 

"Yoongi loosen up he's just playing around." I turn around only to be hit with another clump of snow.

Taehyung constantly giggling.

"That's It !" I gather a cluster forming a ball throwing it at Jungkook who quickly went to the ground causing my snowball to hit Taehyung instead.

Jungkook jumped up looking at me then Taehyung then back at me we burst out laughing. 

"It's on!" Saying this Taehyung bent down grabbing a handful of snow as I and Jungkook darted behind a nearby car. Several snowballs flew in our direction while we made ours.

"Jimin do you want to play?" The boy nodding taking the snowball form the older.

"Let's get 'em." 

Jungkook and I waited until there was a cease-fire before popping our heads from behind the car.

I look at the spot where the two had been standing to find them gone

"Stay here." Jungkook nodded as I eased my way around the edge of the car still nothing.

Where the hell did they go?

I turn to start crawling back when my eyes me a shiny black leather shoe.

I slowly look up I squint as the sun blinds me Taehyung moved his head shielding me he wore a boxy grin holding a snowball over his head Jungkook came out wearing a sinister grin as did Jimin the had me surrounded.


"Ready. Aim. F-!" Before Taehyung could finish a snowball hit him and Jungkook. Jimin over helping me up. 

He stands on his tiptoes bring his face to my ear placing a hand over it.

"I'll protect you too." 

Sa-Tang | YoonMin FFWhere stories live. Discover now