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I pull into the driveway killing the engine. I look over to Jimin who was sleeping soundly. I open the door closing it softly.

I head to the door of the house unlocking it before going back for Jimin.

Lifting him out of the car I rush into the house to shield us from the harsh weather outside kicking the door closed I make my way to my room. It's much warmer than the others. I lay him on the bed making sure he's covered completely before getting up and going to the living room.

I turn on the tv flopping down on the couch. I flipped through the channels for a while eventually I stopped falling asleep,


I wake up to the sound of mumbling and soft pats across the tile floor. I groaned trying to ignore the noise when I hear a crashed.

I sit up quickly looking around just as Jimin came running over to me.

"FOUND IT!" I stare in confusion not able to comprehend what exactly is going on when he holds out a box towards me. I looked down It was the first-aid kit.

"Jimin did you hurt yourself again." The boy shook his head furiously.

"No~!" Jimin climbed on top of me sitting on my lap.

"What are you doing?" 

"You're hurt!" He said pointing to my lip again. I chuckled patting the boy on his head.

"It doesn't hurt anymore. We can leave it." 

"B-but." Jimin started pouting.

Here come the waterworks.

Don't give in.

Don't give in...


"Fine! We can put medicine on it." I said grabbing the box and opening it only for it to be snatched away from me.

"I got it!" JImin rummaged through the box before pulling out a small packet. Shaking it he tried to open it.

He let out a puff before handling it to me I tear the corner handing it back. He scoots closer his eyes focused on the corner of my mouth. He dabs his finger with the contents of the packet before placing on the cut.

I wince a little from the stinging sensation, he waves his hand fanning over it like I did him with each wave his hair moved slightly from the wind I sat mesmerized. After a few moments, he put everything back into the box.

I lifted my body to get up when he stops me.

"Wait! One more thing." Without giving me a chance to register what was happening Jimin quickly leaned forward placing his lips on mine. 

I froze. 

Sa-Tang | YoonMin FFWhere stories live. Discover now