♡ 16 ♡

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Jimin stood tight-lipped as he scrunched up the bottom of his shirt refusing to look me in the eye trying to become as little as possible under my gaze.

His body jolted slightly when he felt my hand on top of his head. I bent down in front of him only to have his eye move to the side to focus on something other than me. I leaned into his line of slight and he averted them again soon I was sent all over the place trying to get him to look at me.

"Jimin!" He gasped squeezing his eyes shut. My voice had came out a little more forceful than I had meant it to be. I sighed be for squatting down in front of him.

"I'm s-"

"I-I'll tell you when you're older." I blinked rapidly not expecting those words to leave is mouth. I folded my lips inward as I tried not to laugh. Jimin opened one eye glancing at me before shutting it again.

"Okay I'm older!" Jimin raised his head with the biggest grin on his face I could see where the nickname "Mochi" came into play. I smiled back at me tussling his hair.

"let's get these packed up." Jimin nodded running over to the mountain of candy packs throwing them behind him into a nearby box.


We finally made it back to the house I walked over to the couch throwing my body onto it's soft cushions. I sighed as I settled comfortably into my position I closed my eyes when I suddenly felt a force of weight on my torso knock the wind from my lungs.

My eyes snapped open.

"J-jimin?! What are you doing?" The boy looked down at me a pout on his lips.

"I want to take a bath please."

"Jimin you know where everything is I'm sure. You pulled everything out this morning remember? Go ahead." I leaned my head back into it previous positions as I felt the boy lift off me his feet softly echoing down the hall.

I sigh again quickly drifting off to sleep.


Giggling rang in my ears a constant small tapping sensation on my face my eyes fluttered open I blink a few times waiting for my vision to adjust Jimin stood over me droplets of water falling on my cheek as he smiled playfully at me.

Why is he always watching me sleep?

Another drop of water splash over my face I wipe it off as I sit up Jimin taking a step back. I run my hands over my face as I tried wake myself up.

"Jimin... you have to dry your hair when you dry off."

"But... I couldn't find my towel." I sighed removing my hand from my eyes.

"Then what did you-?" My eyes widened as I finally realized the boy stood in front of me completely naked.

"W-where are your clothes??" I quickly looked away the image of his pale skin burned into my retinas.

"Still in the box...I think." I jumped off the couch and ran over to the stack of boxes by the front door quickly looking through them until I found some type of clothing for him.

"H-here put this on." I hold out a Spongebob hoodie trying to look anywhere but him.

"I don't want to wear that... it's too hot."

"You don't really have a choice. Just put it on for right now."

"Hmm~ okay!" I sigh in relief silently thanking the heavens.

"But you'll have to catch me first!"

Spoke to soon.

"Wha-?!" I turned around just in time to see Jimin's chapped ass running down the hallway disappearing around a corner.

Without thinking I immediately ran after him.

"Come back here! You'll catch a cold!"

"You have to find me~"

Great... another wet naked kid running around my house. I blaming Hoseok for this.

"Jimin where are you~?"

[I feel like this chapter is really really bad😂 or maybe really cringy...or maybe both lol]

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2018 ⏰

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