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 Opening my door I was greeted with the hurried tapping of claws on the wooden floor and little barks that echoed throughout the empty home.

Walking inside a small brown ball of fluff was running around my feet and in-between my legs as I tried to move forward. I chuckled as bent down to pick up the pup.

"Min Holly...Did you miss daddy?" I pecked his head as I ruffled the other side before putting him back down.

I threw my keys on the table that sat in the center of the room making my way to the kitchen.

I walked over to the small bowl in the corner next to a bag of dog food taking the small plastic cup I'd left inside I poured the contents into the dish. I reached into the fridge grabbing a bottle of water before heading upstairs.

I've never been one to eat much. Bringing the bottle to my lips I let the cool tasteless liquid flow down my throat. I entered my room leaving the light off. The bed beaconed me over but I decided to take a shower before I let my laziness consume me.  In the bathroom, I turned the knobs releasing a gushing stream of water.

When the water had reached the perfect temperature I plugged the hole stopping it from going down the drain. I removed my clothes tossing them to the side before grabbing a black compacted spear dropping it into the water a fountain of bubbles flowed to the surface turning the clear water a deep grey as I started to sink down purple dried flowers floated around as I sat soaking letting the temperature ease my aching muscles.

After a while, I removed the rubbed stop watching as the water went down in a tornado swirl. Standing up I turned on the water again pulling the valve for the showerhead I shivered as I waited for the cold rain to become warm.

When it was finally comfortable I moved directly under, letting the water cover me completely rinsing away the black suds that stuck to my skin. I poured the honey-scented shampoo into my hands gently lathering it into my hair.

I massaged my scalp enjoying the fresh feeling when a mechanical ringing cut through the air ruining my relaxation. I quickly rinsed my hair before getting out. Grabbing a towel I shuffled over to my phone.


"Hello, Mr.Min this is the sheriff's department.We're calling to inform you that your Alarm has been set off and deputies are in rout." I groaned placing my hand over my face.

"Alright thank you." I hung up the phone and got dressed running downstairs pass Holly who was barking grabbling my keys I rushed out the door.

I drove slightly pissed off. I hate being out in cold weather.

Yes, I was more worried about being out instead of my store being robbed at the moment. I made it to first I pulled next to the curb my face twisted at the visible hole in the glass door the shattered pieces resting on the floor.

Getting out of my car I stormed over to the door not caring if the perpetrator was still there. I bent down this was gonna cost a fortune. I stood up sighing my hands on my hips before stepping through the space the particles of glass crunching under my weight.

I walked behind the counter to the register and opened it... It hadn't been bothered. I looked around in silence when the sound of soft sniffles danced across my eardrums. I slowly walk back to the other side of counter the realization that I just ran in here unprepared washing over me.

I reached into my pocket taking out my phone I turn on the flashlight. I tiptoe towards the source of the sound which was behind a few aisles.

"H-hello?" The sniffles continued.

"Who's there?" My voice was shaky as I got closer. I continued walking until I knew the source of the nose was right around the next aisle. 

Stepping around the edge of the shelf I shined the light into the corner. The familiar pastel pink hair reflecting the light back to me.

"J-jimin?" I said in shock at the boy sitting hugging his knees. He raised his head. A prominent purple bruise displayed on one side of his face. My eyes widened as I watched the tears fall from his.

I dropped my hand to my side as the blue and red lights flashed repeatedly decorating the walls.

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