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"So Jimin, tell me about yourself... How old are you?"

"Sixteen but I'll be seventeen in-" Jimin stopped and begun counting on his fingers. When he ran out of fingers he scrambled taking off his socks to continue stopping at the 3rd toe in his second foot.

"e-eighteen days." He proclaimed proudly.

"Oh wow! Do you have any brothers or sister?" The younger nodded

"I have a big brother but he doesn't live with us anymore." Jimin looked down.

"How come?"

"After mommy left, daddy..." Jimin stopped his words in deep thought.

"Jimin?" The boy jumped slightly at the sound of his name being called and quickly plastered another smile on his face looking up at the older.

"i-i'm okay!" Taehyung thought a moment.

"Yoongi told me you visit his shop every day." the boy hummed.

"I really like him!" Taehyung raised an eyebrow.

"I-I mean" The older chuckled

"You don't think he's mean" Jimin shook his head

"No way! He's always helping. when I lost my brother and got hurt he gave me a piggyback ride all the way home."


"I didn't see him for a really long time after that until I went to the candy store." Listening to the boy's story was enough to make the other's heart melt.

"And then he helped me last night too." Jimin's words trailed off.

"would you like to make him a thank you card?"

"Yeah!" Jimin jumped from the couch to the round coffee table where Taehyung laid a variety of colored paper and pens for the younger to use.

"Do you like to draw?"

"Yeah." It'd fun...Hey Tae?"


"You're that boy's daddy?" Taehyung stared in confusion.

"You mean Jungkook?" Jimin nodded without looking up from his drawing.

"I can tell you're a good daddy. I wish my daddy was as nice as you."

"Is your daddy not nice to you?"

"Sometimes, but it only when I make him angry and I don't want to be a big boy."

"What do you mean?" Taehyung was now sitting on the floor too.Jimin stopped all movement as tears began spilling onto the paper causing the colors to bleed and blend into each other. He lifted his head looking at the other.

"I d-don't like being a big boy. D-daddy makes m-me d-do stuff and always says big boys do it, but I want to be a big boy anymore." Taehyung eyes widened as he began to process exactly what the boy was saying.

"Does your daddy...touch you?" The younger stayed silent.

"Jimin?" Taehyung scooted closer to the younger. He reached out a hand the boy immediately cowering away. The older gulped hoping that his worse fears for any child wouldn't be realized, He slowly reached into his bag pulling out a cotton doll and placing it on the table in front of the boy.

"Can you show me where?" grabbing the doll with a shaky hand Jimin stared at its face before flipping the toy upside down and pointing in between its legs.

Taehyung's heart sank he hated these kinds of cases where the innocence was being snatched away from a defenseless child.

"He m-makes me touch him t-too. p-please don't make me go back." Jimin's gentle tears had turned into hastened sobs. Taehyug lifted the boy onto his lap hugging him tightly as he rocked back and forth.

"Shhh... It's going to be alright."

Sa-Tang | YoonMin FFWhere stories live. Discover now