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We exit the building Jimin still on my hip Jungkook skipping behind me.

"Y-Yoongi." Jimin mumbled his head resting in the crease of my neck.

"Hmm?" I tilt my head slightly waiting for him to continue.

"Nothing...I just wanted to say your name." We finally made it to the car I set Jimin down pulling my keys from my pocket and unlocking the door.

I open the backseat Jungkook crawling in first  Jimin waiting for him to scoot over.

"JIMIN!" There was a loud yell cause us to turn in its direction.

"Daddy?" Jimin was visibly shaking as tears spilled from his eyes.


"Get in the car." I quickly push the boy in the car as the man charged over to us.

"Lock the doors." The man ran up to the car beating on the window.

"Get out of there right now you little shit." Jimin and Jungkook backed away from the door Jungkook holding the other as he cried. I push the man away from the car.

"I suggest you back the fuck off."

"Who do you think you are? That's my son. I'm gonna report you for kidnapping fucking pedophile!" I scoffed.

"The only pedophile here is you. You did that to his eye too right? People...No monsters like you sicken me you're lower than trash."

"What did you say?" He charged at me bringing his fist to my face. I stumble catching myself before I could hit the ground.

He rushed back to the car beating on the glass until it shattered.

I spit out the blood. Anger took over and all I could see was red. I run tackling the man I punch him in the face repeatedly. 

"You. Sick. Son Of A. Bitch!" 

"Yoongi!" I heard my name being called but that didn't stop me. I continued until I felt a forceful yank prying me away from the man.

Jin stood in front of me his arms stretched out while Taehyung held me back along with the police.

"Hyung calm down." I yank away from the boy walking off in a random direction.

The officers pull the man from the ground placing him in handcuffs and practically dragging him off.

Blood stained my knuckles.

I pull out my wallet and open it a single cigarette. I sighed placing it in my mouth patting my pockets in search of a lighter when someone snatches it from my mouth. I look up ready to snap when I see it's Jin.

"See what we're not gonna do is this again." He held out a wet napkin.

"I thought you quit?" I wipe my hands looking at the ground. 

"I did...That's just... for emergencies, it's the last one from before you left."


"Look I didn't think I'd actually want it... It!" I stopped my words running my hand through my hair as I groaned.

Jin chuckled softly.

"I know. Still not use to seeing you blow up like that though." I snorted slightly before realizing something.

"Shit! Jimin." I ran off Jin calling out to me.

"Yah! Don't you want it back." I turn still running backward.

"Through it out!" I saw Jin shake his head with a smile on his face before turning and making his way back inside.

Sa-Tang | YoonMin FFWhere stories live. Discover now