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"Who want's coo-" Jungkook and I entered carrying large trays covered with an assortment of cookies shocked at the scene before us. Taehyung flashed a sorrowful look as Jungkook ran over to them.

"What's wrong with him daddy?"

"He's not feeling well right now."

"Is it because he doesn't have any toys?" Jungkook poked Jimin in his side trying to gain his attention.

"Hey, do you want to play with my toys? I don't usually share but we can play together okay? You don't have to cry." Jungkook moved around trying to peer in the boy's face.

I walked over placing my tray on the table. After a few more snifflesJimin finally raised his head his eyes a deep reddish pink as he rubbed them

"Jimin would you like to play with Jungkook?" 

"You don't have to play with just me we can play with Suga too!"  Taehyung stared at the oy confused.

"Kookie... Who's Suga?" The younger smiled as he raised his hand pointing in my direction.

"Yoongi Hyung! I gave him that name cause his skin looks like sugar...well and flour too but that didn't sound right." I groaned hearing the younger's explanation.

Everyone paused as a small giggle emanating from Taehyung's chest, Jimin was laughing at the expression on our faces.

"See he thinks so too right? Do you wanna play with me know?" The boy sat up nodding his head.

"Alright, you two go play while I talk to Su-"


"Yoongi Hyung."

"Okay, daddy! Come on Mochi, I got new legos!"

"Why is my name Mochi?" The boys continued their banter as they ran off Jimin stopping before running back to us.


"Forgot the cookies!"

He came back...For. The. Cookies.

It was hard to say that I wasn't a little bothered that he didn't run back to hug me like kids do in the movies and it bothered me even more that Taehyung got to hold him like that.

"So did he tell you?" 

"Yoongi.." Taehyung turned slightly enough for me to see the tears building up in his eyes. I knew what that meant, throughout the years of knowing him and how he is about his work I've picked up on what could really break him.

He wasn't the type to cry despite his usual demeanor there were only two things work related.

Only two kinds of cases that would cause the boy to break down.

Cases involving death or sexual abuse and even I couldn't keep my composure in those times when he'd come over to "talk" and end up drinking until he passed out.

  I let a heavy sigh escape my lips as I sat down trying to prepare for what Taehyung was about to say. He sat beside me not saying a word.

"You okay?" I asked waiting for a swift response. He shook his head.

"It's worse than we thought." I nod

"Want a drink?"

"Not now.." I hummed in response.

"What do we do now?" Up until now, I wasn't too involved with the details of how a case like this was handled I was never told much just Taehyung's feelings how the parent or guardian was a complete scumbag.

"It's gonna be a long process...There's something else he's not telling me but I don't want to push him anymore. We'll have to move him out of the house temporarily until the investigation is done."

"He has to go back?!" My voice was a little louder than I had meant It to be.

"Shh!" Taehyung had slapped a hand over my mouth I left it there as we glanced in the direction the other's were playing. The younger sighed pulling away.

"No, he won't go back there he'll be put in foster care since he's still a minor."

" I see...What if I-"

"Nope." He cut off my words.

"You don't even know what I was going to say."

"You were going to suggest he stay with you right? I have my reasons for saying no." I sat quietly questioning his reason when there was a loud crash followed by wailing.

We jump up running to the connecting hallway Jungkook meeting us halfway.

"Mochi. Pian.-" He pointed into the direction they were in the door at the end of the hall wide open.

My music room.

I sprinted pass Jungkook making it to the room in time to see Jimin pulling his hand from the piano and sinking to the ground. I run sliding on my knees in front of him I take his wrist examining his hand. His fingers a deep dark purple.

"Taehyung!" I call back to the door as I picked up the boy. Taehyung popped his head through the frame.

"We gotta go to the hospital!" 

"We'll take my car."

"No, you go file the paperwork."

"What about Kookie." 

"I want to stay with Mochi!"

"There's your answer." I glide towards the door Jungkook opening as we hurried to the car.

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