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"Hi, sweetheart my name's Taehyung what's yours?" Taehyung was kneeling down in front of the boy who was still clinging to my side.

"J-Jimin.?" He squeezed out in a tiny voice before his thumb made an appearance in his mouth.

"Wow, Jimin what a cute name. I like your hair, Pink is my favorite color." Jimin smiled moving his hand away from his face.

"R-really?" Taehyung nodded pulling his phone from his back pocket revealing a perfectly fluffy pink phone case.

Jimin reached out touching its soft shards.

"Woah." I watched as the boy moved away from me no longer hugging my body.

"Can you talk to me for a bit?" The boy hummed nodding eagerly before frowning as if realizing something then shook his head no shrinking back to his previous spot behind me.

Taehyung looked up at me his expression telling me to something. I turned around squatting in front of him.

I placed my hands on his sides fiddling with the oversides sweatshirt I had given him.

"Jimin...It's okay Taehyung is a close friend of mine you can talk to him." The boy shook his head once again. I glance at Taehyung nudging him, he began stammering trying to think out something.

"W-would it help if you called me Tae?" The boy nodded causing us to sigh in relief.

"So will you talk to him now?"

"Nope." We smacked our faces in unison when I got an idea.

"How about I go make those cookies I promised and you can keep Taehyung company?"

"Okay!" Jimin giggled. Taehyung got up walking over to JungKook who had been taking various things and building a tower while our attention was on the other.

"Baby, can you help Yoongi hyung make  the cookies while I talk to Jimin?" Jungkook looked over the older's shoulder glaring at Jimin.

"But you're my daddy."

"I know but I have to work now." The younger began to pout visibly angry, Taehyung quickly thought of a way to stop the impending temper tantrum that was about to be unleashed.

"You're a big boy right?" Jungkook nodded.

"Right, so I need you to be a good big boy for me so daddy can work, then we can play. Okay?"

"Okay!" The younger dropped the small trinket in his hand running over to me as I entered the kitchen.

I grab an apron from the closet and tie it around my waist.

I turn back to find Junkook standing with his arms folded as he glared at me gliding his tongue along the inside of his jaw. I gulped slightly.


"Tae Tae is my daddy NOT Jimin's, He has to find his own." I chuckled at the jealous statement from the boy as I scurry around gathering ingredients.

"Don't worry. Taehyung is just helping. Now what kind of cookies should we bake?" I bent down into the cupboard as Jungkook showed a cute mischievous bunny smile.

"All of them."

"What?!" My jolted upward hitting my head against the top of the small space.

"Son of a bitch!" I groan as I crawl backward rubbing the back of my head when I heard giggling above me I turn my gaze up meeting the boy's

"Hehehe you said bitch."

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