♡ 11 ♡

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I raced through the parking lot in a zigzag pattern as I hurried back to my car. When I finally reached it Taehyung was standing looking at his watch.

"Taehyung!" He looked up as I made my way to him.

"Hyung! Are you okay?" 

"Yeah." I glance in the backseat of my car.

"Where are the boys?" 

"Don't worry they're in my car keeping warm." 

"What about that bastard?" 

"They'll keep him in custody for the time being."

"I see. How-" My words were cut short as Jungkook ran over to us Jimin lagging behind.

"Kookie, it's too cold out here for you go back to the car."

"Suga-hyung! You kicked ass!"

"Yah! Language." Jungkook slapped a hand over his mouth giggling. I rubbed the back of my neck awkwardly when Jimin stood right in front of me.

He looked down gently kicking the snow.

"Jimin?" He raised his head his eyes glossing over.  I quickly kneeled down in front of him.

"Hey... whats wrong? Did I... scare you?" The boy shook his head then pointed to my lip.

"Y-you're bleeding." I tap my lip before looking at my finger at the little spots of blood.

"It's okay, it'll go away."

"You g-got h-hurt because o-of me." The boy began breathing as if he had the hiccups. I quickly pulled him to me hugging him tightly.

"Shh... This isn't your fault." I slowly rock him before pulling away so that our eyes could meet.

"Okay?" He nodded tears still falling I pull him in one more time before getting up lifting the boy with me.

"You should take him back for now. Get some rest, we can get his stuff later." I tilt my head looking a the boy.

"What do say wanna go back to my house." Jimin rubbed his eyes with one hand as he nodded. 

"Yeah? Alright let's go."

"You're getting better at this." Taehyung winked before taking Jungkkok's hand and heading back to his car as we did the same. I put Jimin in the front seat with me since glass decorated the back.

I took off my coat putting it around the boy before going to the driver side.

"Won't you be cold too?" I shook my head.

"Nope, I'm okay. It's not that far." I say starting the car beginning the drive. 


I drive for a short while, I turned the corner driving on the street where my shop was Jimin perked up staring out the window.

"Are we going to your store?" I chuckled 

"No, not now." 

"O-oh." The boy sunk down in the seat. I raised an eyebrow in thought.

"I guess we threw off your routine huh?" He nodded slightly.

"Hang on." I pull next to the curb leaving the engine running I get out running over to the other side to let the boy out he looked at me in confusion.

"Come on. I'll open just for you." Jimin smiled getting out of the car my coat a little big on him as he waddled to the door. I rushed over unlocking it and holding it open. 

"After you." He trotted inside as I followed. I flip the switches turning on the lights. I hand Jimin a bag and off he went up and down each aisle as I went behind the register and did my usual poses as I watched him run back and forth.

When he was done he skipped over to me placing the bag on the counter. 

"All of your favorites?" He nodded proudly. I folded the bag placing the signature seal on it before handing it back to him.

"Thank you!" I smiled as he jumped around on his tiptoes in excitement. After turning off the lights and locking up we went back to our short 'adventure' as he called it back to the house.

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