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We entered the house. It was dark inside Taehung searched for a light switch.

"It doesn't work." Jimin said in a small voice.

"Where's your room?" He pointed down the hall not moving from the spot he stood. We start walking when I feel a tug on my arm. I turn to see Jimin staring down the hallway shaking his head.

"Don't, he'll get made. He doesn't like people coming in."

"Your father." He nodded.

"He's not here, and remember I promised to protect you. Do you want to hold my hand?" I asked even though he was already hugging my arm tightly. He didn't talk just nodded. I gave his hand a small squeeze before walking down the hall. Contrary to the outside the walls were a dull gray color almost life draining. We stopped at a door with a single pink bunny sticker in the center. Jim in opened the door revealing his room filled with bright pastel colors and toys scattered around the floor. His bed was shaped and colored like Cinderella's magical carriage.

"Whoa~." Jungkook ran over to the bed jumping on it.

"Get off! Jimin yelled at the boy before looking at the ground.

"I-its dirty." He mumbled.

"Kookie let's go get the boxes."

"Okay." Jungkook hopped from the bed following Taehyung out of the room.


"Is that everything?" We had packed up all of Jimin's clothes and toys he didn't want to take his carriage with him so we left it alone. Taehyung and Jungkook took the last few boxes to the car while we double checked that we had everything.

"I think so."

"Wait did we get everything thing in here?" I walked over to a medium sized cabinet reaching out to open it.

"No, wait."

"Just a sec-." When I opened the cabinet a wave of small of different colored bags spilled onto the floor. I bent down picking up a few bags turning them over I found various styles of my store's sticker seals.

I looked at Jimin his cheeks dust a deep pink.

"Why do you have all these? They're not open." Jimin fiddled with his fingers as I picked up a bag flipping it over, seeing my store's original sticker style.

'SugaSweet' What the hell was I thinking?

"This is from three years ago." I look up at Jimin who's still playing with his hands.

"I don't really like candy." I looked at him in confusion.

"Then why did you buy it every day?"

Sa-Tang | YoonMin FFWhere stories live. Discover now