♡ 13 ♡

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"Jimin?!" I push the boy away.

"W-what are you doing?" He looked up at me confused.

"Mommy would always give me a kiss on my boo-boos when I got hurt. It made it feel all better." I sighed holding my hand in my hands.

"Did I do it wrong." My head shot up.

"No! No it was fine...I mean....what do I mean?" I thought for a moment.

"It's okay to kiss boo-boos....not on the lips."

"Why?" I stare at his innocent expression.

Nope. This was not in my job description. 

"I'll tell you when you're older."

"Oh okay."  Jimin twirled his thumbs then shifted his weight bring to my attention that he was still on my lap. 

"Okay I'm older now!" I chuckled

"No you're not." He puffed his cheeks at my words.


"Yoongi did you put the remote in your pocket."

"No what are yo-"


He shifted his weight again.

"This hard thing here." He wiggled his hips.

"OKAY!" I shot up stopping the boy and lifting him off my lap.

"Y-yeah that's the remote. Stay here for a minute while I go put this back."  The boy saluted me as he sat on the couch kicking his feet.

I rush to the bathroom stopping at the doorway I drop the box I stare with my mouth open.

The bathtub overflowing I run inside turning the water off I looked around as my bathroom had been a little more than destroyed.



"Can you come in here for a second." There was a long pause.

"No thank you." 

"Jimin come here." I say with a stirn tone this time I heard the small pitter-patter of the boy's feet against the floor. His head popped out from around the corner.

"Yes?" I wave him over.

"Come here." He shuffled over until he was right next to me he stared at his feet.

"What happened?" I pointed to the bathroom towels lay on the floor along with bottles of shampoo opened and unopened and he raised his head glancing around gnawing on his lip his gaze returned to the ground.


"I-i'm sorry. I was looking for the aid kit and medicine for you...I thought those were medicine so I tasted them but it wasn't then Its soap that gave me the idea you'd want to take a bubble bath that always makes me feel better."  The boy pouted.

 I reached out my hand to him and he immediately sunk to the ground covering his head.

"I-I- I'm r-really sorry I won't d-do it again." I stood in shock before quickly scooping him up.

"Hey calm down, it's okay. We can clean this up later." I exit the bathroom cutting off the light.

"Since you're up now wanna go get your stuff?" He nodded still looking a bit sad. I sit him down before leaning down in front of him.

He stared at the ground. I cupped his face in my hands lifting it so that our eyes meet.

"Jimin I want to ask you something and I want you to be completely honest okay?" He hesitated for a moment before nodding.

"Are you...afraid of me?" He looked down shaking his head then nodding.

I knew it. I sighed

"Is it because of what happened at the hospital." He nodded again I pull him into a tight hug.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to." 

"I know. He made you angry...but..." He pulled away playing with the hem of his shirt and avoiding eye contact with me.

"I did too." My eyes widen.

"No no no. Jimin I could never do that to you." I ducked down putting my face in his line of sight.

"I promise. I'll protect you okay?" He held out his pinky.

"Master Roshi swear?" I look at his pinky.

How does he know about that?

I wrap my picky with his.

"Earth, water, sea, air I declare a pinky swear." I smiled as he threw his arms around me.

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