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I wake up with a strange sensation on one side of my face. My eye still closed heavy from tiredness I ignore it slowly drifting back to sleep when the sensation disappeared.

I remain like that for a few moments until I feel the sensation again this time as repeated tapping on my cheek. My eyes flutter open glancing to the side I see Jimin with his face only inches away from mine index finger pressing into my jaw.

I sit up quickly putting some distance between us as he stares at me with his thumb in his mouth. I rub the tiredness from my eyes.

"What is it?"

"I'm hungry." He says without moving his hand away. I sighed getting up from the couch and walking towards the kitchen the boy trotting closely behind dragging the blanket I had given him. I reach the fridge opening its door.

"What do you want?" I say as I stare at the bleak contents inside.


"Alright." I grab the carton of milk placing it on the counter before reaching up to a neaby cabinets.

"W-wait no!" I freeze with my hand still suspended in mid-air as the boy's sudden outburst. I peer over my shoulder.

"I-I want pancakes." I sighed 

"If you wanted pancakes why did you say cereal?"

"I changed my mind." I let my hand drop to my side walking back to the fridge pulling out the eggs and other necessary ingredients.

Of all the things he just had to pick something that requires work.


I  lean against the wall watching as the boy scarfs down bits of the fluffy cakes that he demanded be in the shape of various dinosaurs.

"Slow down, or you'll choke." I chuckled as he looked at me with his cheeks packed.

"You make really good pancakes Mister."  He showed a bright smile while bouncing up and down in the chair the dark purple mark drowning out its sweetness.

"Yoongi." He pursed his lips in thought before nodding.

"You make really good pancakes...Yoongi." His cheeks were dusted a pale pink as he turned his attention back to the plate in front of him. I walked over to the chair next to him and sit down.

I stare at him for a moment before opening my mouth to speak.

"Jimin..." Just as his name left his mouth the doorbell followed by a light rhythmic knocked interrupted my words. I sighed getting up from the chair.

"Stay here, okay?" The boy hummed his gaze still on his plate. I trudged towards the door knowing that my mood would only worsen at the overly gleeful atmosphere that was about to be forced upon me.

I open the door to see Taehyung standing with a gentle smile unlike his usual boxy grin. I stepped to the side my back pressed against the door. He stepped inside his smile growing wider.

"Hyung, this is my husband Jun-." His eyes widened as a stared at the empty space next to him. He ran back to the doorway looking around in confusion.

"K-kookie?!" as if on cue a boy wearing an Iron-man onesie with a large backpack jumped from behind the bushes.

"Boo!" Taehyung placed a hand on his chest sighing in relief as the boy ran up to him.

"Did I get you, daddy?!" Taehyung nodded as he stroked the boy's dark brown locks.

"Yes, baby you got me but you can't do that okay?" The boy's face contorting in a pout.

"But you said we can play.~" 

"I know and we will I promise." The younger nodded as Taehyung turned back to me.

"Hyung, this is Jungkook you met a while back." I furrowed my brow as I looked the boy up and down.

Was this really the guy from back then? His childlike appearance stunned me.

 Jungkook pressed his body against Taehyung's resting his head on his shoulder staring at me.

"He looks mean."I relaxed my expression as Taehyung covered his mouth trying to stifle a laugh.

I shake my head as they walk in. Closing the door I walking in front of them leading to the living room the younger of the two constantly looking around.

"Where is he?"

"In the kitchen, eating pancakes." Taehyung's mouth dropped as he gasped.


"He got you to make breakfast for him."


"Aspin! Yes, I would love one I'm nursing a headache." I stare in confusion when he glances at the younger next to him who was still looking around. 

"Right... Jimin can you come in here for a minute?" There was a small echo of the chair scraping against the floor moments later the pastel pink colored hair came into view as he peeked at us . 

"Come on its alright." He stayed put then quickly scurried over to me hiding behind me grabbing onto my sleeve. Taehyung bent down so that they were eye to eye.

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