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"Please don't let them take me, Mister." His voice shook he seemed different from before seeing him like this made my heart sting. He was terrified.I nodded as the officers entering.

"Stay here." I quickly made my way back to the front. 

"Mr.Min is everything alright." The officer had a hand on his belt as he approached me.

"Yes, sorry about that it was just a false alarm." He looked at me skeptically as I smiled to assure him everything was fine.

I took care of the business with the police and sent them on their way before heading back to the boy crying still crying in the corner. He had on a t-shirt and shorts he was shivering uncontrollably. I walked into the back getting the wool blanket that I usually kept there for when I wanted to take a nap. Now in front of the boy again I held out the blanket and he flinched away. I sighed. Squatting down I wrap the blanket around his shoulders rubbing the fabric over his arms. I waited until he had calmed down before asking any questions but he beat me to the punch.

"I-I'm r-really sorry a-ab-out your window Mister." He stared at the ground gripping the edge of the cover tightly.

"Yoongi," I stated plainly. He looked up in confusion but instantly moved his gaze back to the floor.

"It's my name."

"Oh..." His voice was small and barely audible. I moved my legs from under me sitting on my bottom. I watched him for a bit as he gnawed on the collar of his shirt.

"So why'd you break my window?" I chuckled trying to make light of the awkward mood around us. His head immediately shot up. I jerked back at the sudden action from the younger.

"I-I didn't do it." He looked back down realizing his voice was a little louder than it needed to be.

"It was like that when I got here." I tilted my head confused.

"Then why are you in here?" Tears started to fall slowly from his eyes.

"I needed somewhere safe to hide." I frowned my brow not able to fully understand what the boy meant.

"Hide from what?" He pursed his lips together not saying a word.

"Jimin?" His body jolted slightly as I called his name. He slowly met my gaze pointing to his eye.

"Who did that to you?" He shook his head refusing to tell me. I rubbed my neck not wanting to push him further. I stood up.

"Come on." He looked up at me as he towered over him. 

"Since you're here, you're gonna help me clean okay?" He hesitated before nodding slightly.

I turned the lights so they were just bright enough so that we were able to see what we were doing. I grabbed a broom from the back, handing it to the boy who had his thumb in his mouth. "He must be like 17 why is he sucking his thumb?" I thought to myself.

"Sweep up the glass while I find something to cover the hole." He took the broom without releasing the finger that rested in his mouth. I walked to the back to look for a big enough piece of plywood to replace the door. I continued searching sorting through numerous piles for a while when I finally found one that would fit perfectly. I sat the wooden slab against a nearby wall and looked around for the nailgun.

"Where is it? I just saw it." I grumbled to myself when I heard Jimin yelp and the sound of the metal broom handle smacking against the floor. I ran to the doorway to see Jimin holding his hand with tears in his eyes. Noticing me he hid his hand away from my sight. I stomped over to him.

"Jimin let me see." He shook his head moving away to put some space between us.

"I-it's nothing I'm okay." He exclaimed still backing away. I quickly grabbed his arm pulling him towards me. I reach behind him pulling the other into view. A bright red line made its way from Jimin's finger the palm of his hand. He'd cut himself on the glass. 

"Are you okay?" I looked into his eyes and as if on cue the tears came down more fiercely.

"I-It h-hu-rts!"  He started sobbing his eyes out.

"Calm down It'll be okay." I picked him up and sat him on the counter before reaching for the first-aid kit I kept beside my stool. I took his hand gently wiping away the blood Jimin had now calmed down to the point where he'd only do an occasional sniffle until I took out the disinfectant. He spoke up.

"Is that gonna burn." I slowly nodded.

"I don't want it."

"I have to put it on." I say shaking the can.

"No. Please don't I don't want it to hurt." I sighed

"If you be a good boy, I'll give you some candy." He shook his head again. Damn I thought that would work.

"How about I make you some cookies?" He thought for a moment then slowly nodded.

"Talk to me...What do you like?" I ask trying to distract him until so he'd forget about the incoming pain for a few seconds.

"I-i like to color...a-and I like flowers." 

"Oh really?" I pretended to be interested as I prepared the band-aid.

"What else?" He thought for a moment.

"I like hello kitty and candy." He sat smiling kicking his legs back and forth that's when I knew I had to take this chance.

"I like glitter and Strrrrrrrr-" I spayed the boys hand causing him to wince mid-sentence. I blew on the liquid trying to reduce the burning before placing the bandage on the cut. I patted his head.

"See that wasn't so bad right." He opened and closed his hand a few times to get used to the sensation.

"Sit here while I finish up okay?"

"Okay Da-." He bit his bottom lip and looked down as I raised an eyebrow. Thinking nothing of it I quickly cleaned up the rest of the glass before nailing up the wood.

I cut off the lights and made my way to the exit with the boy following closely behind. I made sure he'd wrapped the blanket tightly around his exposed skin before leaving the building.

"Where do you live? I'll take you home." His face distorted a little

"That's okay. Thank you." He took off the blanket holding out he immediately started to shiver.

"Hey put that back on." I snatch the blanket enveloping the younger again.

"It's too cold out for you to be walking. I'll drive you." 

"No! Please don't make me go back. please please please!" He sank to the ground holding his ears. I stood shocked by his sudden cry. Sure he cried a lot but not like this. he was terrified of something and I wasn't about to let him go. I scooped him up carrying him to my care.

"Alright, alright. Shhh, you can come to my house." I stated as I lifted my knee on the car holding up the boy as I opened the door. I gently placed him in the seat he curled up into a little ball. I buckled him in before closing the door and heading to the driver's side. As we rode his quiet sobs seem to stop. I looked over to find him fast asleep. I sighed picking up my phone and dialing a number.

"Hey, meet me at my house in 30."

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