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"You're very lucky your fingers could've been broken. You have to be more careful okay?" 


"Do you want to hear a joke?" The boy nodded

"How does a penguin build its house? Igloos it together!"

I watched Jimin and the doctor laughing as Junkook snuck around finding things to get into. I was lost in thought as I watched his smiling face, his pastel hair falling just over his eyes.

I soon found myself staring at all the features on the boy's face may gaze falling to his lips I reflexively lick my own when I realized what I was Imaging I smacked the back of my head when a nurse walked over to me.

"Your boyfriend is so adorable!"

"H-he's not-"

"Oh dear please don't touch that!"  The nurse quickly ran over to Jungkook who had unzipped his onesie and was putting sticky patches that connected to the monitors on his chest. I sighed.

"How does Taehyung do it?" I directed my attention back to Jimin just as the doctor was getting up. I walked over meeting him halfway. 

"Let's talk outside." His face wore a serious expression I nodded glancing over at Jimin who was lost in his own world along with Jungkook before following him out of the room.

"Here's the prescription for the pain. It's a liquid so it'll be easier for him to take."

"Thanks Jin y-."  

"Don't thank me, if Taehyung didn't call ahead of time you would've been screwed and we would've had to call his father."

"Still thanks." He rolled his eyes and sighed.

"I'll file the paperwork and get him discharged just stop but the front desk before you leave." He started to walk away when I reached out stopping him.

"H-hey... How are you?" He turned slightly crossing his arms.

"I'm fine Yoongi." I nod.

"How's that boyfriend of yours?" 

"He's fine, still in the states. Yes, I'm happy. Sure we can go out for drinks and catch up and I wish you the best in your endeavors. We done here?" I stood in shock at his blunt responses.

"Uh, yeah." I scoffed as he walked away.

Can't blame him for holding a grudge.

I walked back in the room.

"Ready to g- Yah! what are you doing?!" I entered the room to find Jimin lifting his shirt off and Jungkook's onesie off from the waist up.

They both looked at me with serious expressions. I gulped.

"Suga-hyung! We're comparing our tummies, you do it too!"  

"NO." I walk over to the bed yanking Jimin's shirt down before helping the other put his arms through his sleeves.

"Let's go." I move towards the door along with Junkook when I hear small whimpers behind me I turn around to see the boy with his arms stretched making grabby hands.

"What are you doing? Come on we have to go." Jimin's lips formed a pout.

"He was you to pick him up." I  turn to Jungkook who was chewing the straps of his bag.

"I'm not carrying you, now let's go." Jimin let his arms drop with a thud as tears began to well up in his eyes.

"Okay, Okay." I slap the strings from Jungkook's mouth walking over to the other lifting him from the bed and carrying him on my hip.

The tears stopping immediately.

Sly devil. I smirk to myself as we finally left the room.

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