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I pulled into my driveway, the headlights illuminating my yard and the tall slender figure standing in it shivering from the cold its hands tightly tucked away under its armpits.

I put my car in park unbuckling my seatbelt allowing it to snap back by itself. I let out a deep sigh as my gaze fell to the sleeping boy, turning off the ignition I get out of the car going to the passenger side retrieving the younger who slept soundly.

I closed the door using my hip before hurrying to the house the figure meeting me halfway.


"Shh! Get the door." He darted to the door pushing it open moving aside so that I had enough room following behind me and turning on the lights. I didn't bother taking off my shoes making my way down the dimly lit hallway towards a spare bedroom.

Entering the room I glided across the floor gently lowering the boy's body onto the bed before pulling the covers over him. He hummed snuggling into the fluffy pillows.

I backed out slowly into the hallway pulling the door slightly leaving a small gap. I turn making my way back to the living room to find it empty.

"Yah...Where are you?"

"In here." I walked over to the kitchen to find my current visitor standing in the walkway throwing grapes in the air then catching them in his mouth.

"I asked you here for help not so you can eat my food." I said snatching the bowl of fruit from his hand as he showed his signature boxy smile.

"Awe but I'm hungry, I was on my way home when you called so I didn't get a chance to eat." I rolled my eyes setting the bowl back in the fridge.

"But Hyung...Who's the kid?" I sigh grabbing a bottle of water letting the door shut.

"That's actually why I called you." I throw my head back taking a sip of water before sitting it on the counter with a light thud.

"Tae...I think he's in trouble."

"What kind of trouble?" Taehyung said his back against the marble island in the center of the room.

"The kind that a social worker might need to get involved in." He raised an eyebrow, folding his arms over his chest.

"Ah I see...So that's why you called me." I nod slowly

"Yeah but the thing is...I'm not sure yet."

"What do you mean? Didn't you bring him here because he told you?"

"Well not exactly." Taehyung's eyes widened

"Does his parents know where he is?" I run my hand down the back of my neck awkwardly.

"Not exactly."

"Yoongi!" I quickly press a finger to my lips

"Shh! Keep your voice down. Listen a window broke at the shop and when I got the he was hiding in the back crying."

"That doesn't mean it's okay for you to bring a random child who you nothing about home with you!"

"I know what kind of candy he likes."

"You sound like a pedophile."

"What it's true, he's a regular at the shop." The younger shook his head.

"What if his parents decide to call the police?"

"He wouldn't tell me where he lives. He has a black eye and he begged me not to take him back so I brought him here." Taehyung groaned scratching his head with both hands as he paced back and forth. I bit my lip.

"There's something else." He groaned again bracing his hands in front of him on the island rocking back on his heel before looking up at me.

"Alright... Let's hear it."

"I'm not sure... I'm not calling him weird or nothing like that. He just seems a lot younger than he actually is as far as how he acts and-."

"Aw hell is he a little?!" I stare at him for a moment in confusion.

"A little?" The younger face palmed clearly frustrated.

"How can yo-!... You know what nevermind. Just keep him here and I'll be back in the morning to talk to him."I follow him as he stomps toward the door.

Putting his hand on the hand he stops and turns to me with a serious expression on his face.

"You're smart. I suggest you look up what a "Little" is as well as "Little space" and learn as much as you can before I get here tomorrow. I'm bringing my husband with me."

"G-got it." With that Taehyung stormed out into the bitter cold rushing to his car. I closed the door walking over to the couch grabbing my laptop I plop down opening the search bar.

What is a little

Small in size, amount, or degree (often used to convey an appealing dimin-

I read the screen the literal meaning of "little" displaying itself at the top of the page.

"Okay no that's not it." I shake my head as I scrolled down.

Bigs and littles - The center of sexual pleassu-. What the hell am I reading?

I continue scrolling down and clicking various pages and articles that didn't really help until I found one.

A little understanding- DDLG.

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