Chapter ~13~

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Justin's pov:

"Jay your phone is blowing up." Raegan comes over handing me my phone. I open it and see a bunch from one person only.

-Justin can we talk?
-I'm sorry
-I love you
-Please I want you again I fucked up.

I sigh and begin to type.

Me: Haven't I already told you? I don't love You, I love Raegan. I lost feeling for you and I'm sorry, You don't deserve me. And you cheated on me and admitted it to make me feel bad! Move on and find someone who loves you back. Bye.

"That takes care of that problem." I shut my phone off.

"What problem?"

"Tyler." I roll my eyes. "Still trying to apologize and say he loves me. Not taking it."

Raegan and I are in my room right now cuddling on my bed. Tomorrow we have school, but it's Friday so I'm i'm happy.

"Justin?" He puts his hand on my thigh.

"Yes?" I ask looking up at him.

"I love you." He kisses me.

"I love you too Rae." I smile.

"My aunt told me the other day that she doesn't know how long we are staying."

"What?" I ask sitting up.

"I don't know how much longer I'm going to be here. I dont know why we can't just get out own house here. I already go to school and I'm happy here."

"...I don't want you to leave." I say cupping his cheeks. He shakes his head.

"I don't either. But the way my aunt was talking to me, it scared me Justin. I don't want to be seperated from you again." His eyes gloss over.

"I don't think Liz would make you guys move out so soon. She's probably just warning you." I say nodding.

"She says she hates to be a burden here."

"You aren't at all. My mom loves your Aunt and she doesn't what you guys to leave."

"That's what she thinks." He shrugs wipping his face.

"Do you want to get some sleep?" I ask. It's only eight but he seems a worked up.

"Can we watch Netflix for a little?"

"Of course." I lean over and grab the remote off my night stand. We get better situated laying down again. He puts his arm around my waist and pulls me as close to him as possible. I put my head on his chest listening to his heart beat. I yawn and get really tired laying in his arms.

"You can watch Netflix if you want, but I'm going to bed." I say to him. He puts his finger under my chin to lift up my head. He smiles and kisses me slowly.

"Goodnight baby." He whispers. "I love you, never forgot that." I smile wrapping my arms around his neck basically on top of him.

"I love you too Rae. Goodnight." I say quietly but I know he hears me. He rubs my back.

My breathing gets calm and I slowly fall into a deep sleep.

~Next Morning~

I slowly awake to my alarm going off. I roll over and shut it off. I turn back around and see Raegan, his face is red and sweaty.

"You alright Rae?" I ask. He looks at me and closes his eyes tight. Now he's holding his stomach with his arms. He looks like he's in pain.

"Rae? Rae what's wrong?" I try to have him sit him up but he doens't move.

"What hurts?" I ask.

"M-my- my stomach." He barely gets out.

"Can you sit up for me?" I ask. I put one of my arms under him to push him up. He takes a deep breath and sits up fast. He clenches his stomach again.

"Baby what does if feel like?"

"Just a b-bad pain. It's like a cramp but way worse." He starts breathing heaving.

"Ok ok uh, why don't you go to the bathroom and I'll tell my mom and your aunt we aren't going to school?" I ask.

"Yes please." He nods. I get up and walk to the other side of the bed to help him up. He starts to stand up but falls down on the bed again immediatly.

"Fuck!" He says loudly in pain.

"Rae what's wrong with your stomach?" I ask confused. He shakes his head.

"I don't know." His eyes water heavily as he rocks back and forth.

"Let me go get your aunt." I say quickly. He nods. I race out of the room is downstairs to see them both ready for work.

"Why aren't you ready for school yet Justin?"

"Raegan, h-his stomach hurt bad. He can't even stand up, I don't know what's wrong." I say panicking a little. Liz immediatly has a worried face as she stands up from the couch. I walk upstairs and she follows behind me. I open my bedroom door and she comes in quick. He still looks in so much pain.

"Raegan can you hear me?" She asks. He nods and looks at her

"It hurts." He says.

"What? Your stomach?" She asks. He nods.

"Help him stand up with me." Liz says looking at us. My mom and I both rush over and they both grab one of his arms. They swing them over their shoulders. I stay in front of him, if he needs more support.

They stand him up and see if he can stay by himself. His legs give out and he almost falls to the ground but they catch him. He's I'm so much pain I hate it. My eyes gloss over with tears looking at him like this. I get closer to him.

"Baby can you stay standing up for me?" I ask.

"I don't think I can." He says shaking his head.

"Just try. For me, please." I plead. He doesn't answer and just lifts his arm away from my mom first. He's still standing but barely. He tries to lift his over arm from Liz but stops.

"Fuck I can't." He says. Liz sets him back down my bed. I sit next to him and rub his stomach while having one arm around his waist.

"It's getting worse!" He says loudly. "Shit. It hurts so bad." I move my hand from his stomach right away as he holds it in pain again.

"What's wrong with him?" I ask my mom and Liz starting to cry.

"I think we should just call the ambulance. They-"

"Shit! It keeps getting worse and worse. Please!" Now he's full-blown crying and shaking.

"Call them quickly please!" I yell. They both run downstairs quick and I turn to Raegan.

"You're going to be okay." I nod, tears falling from my eyes.

"I don't k-know what's wrong. Babe-"

"Shh your aunt is calling the ambulance, they are going to help you." I nod. I see him struggling to even sit up. His eyes start to close.

"No no! Raegan don't close your eyes." I put my hand on his cheek. He doesn't answer.

"Rae please stay awake for me. Help is coming!"

"I-i- I can't-" His eyes close and he starts to fall back my bed.

"No!" I pannic. I put one arm under his back and slowly lay him down.

"Raegan open your eyes. Raegan?!" I yell. He doesn't move. He's still breathing but the pain must have been too much.

"They are on their way!" My mom yells from downstairs.

"Please. Wake up." I hit his cheek a few times. Nothing. I can hear sirens in the distance.

"You're going to be okay Rae. Help is almost here." I cry.

Ooo boy...I probably scared you all shitless didn't I 😂 hope you all enjoyed 😙

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