Chapter ~20~

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Justin's pov:

"They are going to be home any minite." I say shaking my leg as Raegan and I sit on the couch. I look down at the shattered picture frame I'm holding.

"Let me hold it baby." He says. I now look up at him.

"Rae I told you I'd take the blame. I don't want my mom being mad at you." I say.

"It's not fair though. I threw the party and it's my fault that it gone and the frame shattered." He says. He reaches down and grabs the frame from my hand.

"It's okay." He nods.

"Ok." I say. He puts his hand on my knee so my leg can stop shaking and I can calm down a little.

"She's going to be a little mad, but she'll get over it. Calm down babe." He smiles.

"I know your right. I just don't-"

"Justin! Raegan!" The front door opens and my mom and Liz come inside. They drop their bags and both bring over plastic bags.

"We got you guys some presents. There was a giftshop at the place." My mom smiles. I stand up and Rae follows.

"Mrs. Blake..." Rae walks up to her.


"I-i uh-"

"Mom I'm sorry." I walk in front of Raegan taking the frame from him.

"Is that..." She stops and looks at the wall realizing it's gone.

"What- what happened?" She asks. I feel terrible.

"I accidentally jumped into it and it fell." I say.

"Justin how could-"

"No no." Raegan butts in.

"I did it." He says.

"Rae no." I whisper. He turns to me taking the frame and pushing me back a little away from them.

"It was all me Mrs. Blake and I'm so sorry. Justin told me how much this means to you and I feel terrible." He says. She puts the plastic bag down and takes the frame from him. She looks down at it.

"Where the picture?" She asks. "I don't care as much about the frame then I do the picture." She say.

"I-i don't know." He says. I see my mom look up at him confused.

"You don't know?"

"Mom we searched everywhere and we couldn't find it. We have no idea where it went." I say trying to lie as best as I can.

"Well um-" She picks up the plastic bag and hands it to Raegan.

"Your gifts are in there. I'll be upstairs." She says.

"Mrs. Blake I'm so sorry. Can I make it up to you?" Rae asks.

"It's okay Raegan. I'll see you guys later." I see her stare at the frame as she walks upstairs. Raegan takes the bag and hands it to his aunt.

"I don't deserve any of the stuff you guys got me. I'll be in my room." He says also walking upstairs. I can tell he usually feels bad.

"Justin what happened?" Liz asks me.

"Rae and I were running around the house just playing around."

"Who bumped into it?" She asks.

"Both of us " I shrug.

"Justin." She looks at me with that 'tell me the truth' face.

"I'm serious. Im going to go talk to him." I say. I walk past her and up the stairs. I get to Raegan's room and knock quietly.

"Yeah?" I hear him ask. I walk in and shut the door behind me.

"Babe, I'm proud of you." I say.

"I feel like an asshole." He says.

"Hey like you said, she'll get over it." I say. "You seem tired." I say.

"No, just upset."

"I know your tried babe." I smile at him. I see him smile a little.

"I see that smile." I say kissing him. He hugs me tightly, sniffing his nose occasionally into my shoulder.

"I love you Rae."

"I love you too baby."

"So, how was the party?" I ask laying down on his bed. We've been home all day and I'm already in comfy clothes.

"Why do you ask?"

"I don't know. Just curious I guess." I shrug. He comes into bed next to me and wraps his arm around me. I lean my head on his chest and kiss his neck sweetly.

"Does your mom hate me?" He asks.

"No of course not."

"She probably thinks I'm irresponsible and stupid and-"

"Babe." I stop him from talking and look up at him.

"She won't think any of those things about you, she'll get over it. I just wish we knew where that picture was." I say.

"Me too."

"Maybe you can ask someone who was at the party at school? Speaking of school when are we going back?"

"My aunt told me tomorrow. And yeah, I'll try."

"Tomorrow! Nooo." I whine. I hear him laugh.

"Tomorrow? Yesss." He mocks me. I hit his chest with my hand lightly.

"Shut up." I say. "Set your alarm."

"Ok." He takes his phone from the bed and I watch from his chest as sets the alarm on his phone.

"Happy?" He asks.

"Yup." I say. He puts his phone back down and kisses my forhead.

"Goodnight baby." He whispers.

"Night." I whisper back and slowly fall alseep on his chest.

Little of short chapter because I ran out of ideas...yay me 🤗 Comment and vote.

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