A family's life takes an unexpected turn, when the children come across a friendly giantess in the forest, who has hidden herself away from society, from another world, and has remained that way for most of her life.
They soon begin to bond togethe...
Throughout the week, Karen has gone from being the phone-obsessed, not-caring, and back-talking teenager, to a completely happy, caring, happy-go-lucky, run-about big sister. She played around with Jessie and Braedey, seeing what they do around the house and their toys.
Also, Naomi apologised for what she did to Karen, and the two made up for one another, the two of them helping one another in the kitchen and around the house, and with the younger siblings. Plus, Karen even helped out Jessie with some new costume and outfit designs. When Jessie joked about Karen dressing up as a baby for Halloween, her big sister simply laughed it off.
At her home outside the state of Illinois, Fiona was currently working on some of her latest magical tricks, along with her mastery of alchemy. She needed to make sure they were right, or else it'll blow up in her face, and it be disastrous to her. Plus, her house could be blown up in the process.
Fiona was currently wearing a red sleeveless tank top that stopped below her chest, a long dark red skirt reaching down to below her knees, a small diamond above her chest, with a long piece of white fabric going around her sides. Finally, there was a gold symbol of the Star of David hanging around her neck. Her wild raven hair was tied back so it won't get burnt, but having her hair like this was rather unusual for someone like herself.
Fiona is a master of alchemy, the magic arts, and about ancient witchcraft. She has learnt and read anything and everything regarding all about the realm of magic, the properties and substances wit it, and has mastered almost every single type and opportunity of magic, whether it be to conjure flames in one hand and ice in the other, or change her body into an animal by a single thought. You think of it, she can do it.
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Fiona, after writing some small details into her book, she looked over to her crystal ball, and she could see the ball had white clouds swirling inside it. She held the crystal ball in her hands, as the swirling clouds began to clear out, revealing an image.
FionacouldseewhatlookedtobeBraedeyandhisfriendsgoingintocombattogetherinwhatlookstobesomekindofcitadelcombinedwithanarena. Allaroundthemseemedtobeguardsinarmourandgiants,allofthemwieldinglargeweaponsthatseemtobepoweredbymagic. Next,anothersceneshowedofthebrunette,badlywoundedandwhatlookedtobeholdinghisrightarm,glaringataman,buthisbodywasshroudedindarkness,withapairofglowingredeyesbeingtheonlythingnoticeablefromthedarkness. Finally,thescenewarpedandchangedtothatofshowingDiana,chaineddowntothefloor,asalargeshadow with what looked to be a large pair of wingsroseabovehershakingandshiveringbody.