A family's life takes an unexpected turn, when the children come across a friendly giantess in the forest, who has hidden herself away from society, from another world, and has remained that way for most of her life.
They soon begin to bond togethe...
Merrillville. A small town in Ross Township, Lake County, Indiana. The population is 35,246 residents. Merrillville is located in the East-central portion of the Lake County area, in the Chicago metropolitan area. On January 1, 2015, Merrillville became the most populated town in Indiana, as Fishers in Hamilton County was converted from a town to a city.
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A two-storey luxury house sat nearby a quiet hill not too far away from the town centre a few streets away, with an amount of land around it, with fresh short green grass all around it. A series of flowerbeds surrounded the nearby the stairs/ramp up to the front porch, containing red roses, violets, lavenders, and fresh ferns with them. The house has what could be a wood style on the exterior, along with dark grey stones on sections of the walls, and with white-picket fences all around the front porch, and with white pillars.
Over at a small swing set playground in the backyard, which looks out to the lovely and calm landscape, a young child is sitting in of the tower of the playground. The young child is a young girl, possibly at 9 years of age, with brown hair that was maybe in a braid of some kind, cobalt blue eyes, and a snow white skin tone. She had a very petite frame, and she might be only 4ft 5in tall. She is wearing a bright blue sleeveless dress with special embroidery across the skirt and on the front, whilst the shoulder sections of her dress is in a darker blue, and blue ballet shoes. This is the little 'baby' sister, JessieMayMartin.
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Jessie is a playful and cheerful young girl, always looking at the brighter side of life, and seeing any and all things that are good. She is in primary school, and she has good grades. She is trying her best to keep up with her classes, but fortunately, her mother has given her courage to push on.
'Todayissuchagoodday.' Jessie thought to herself, looking at the fluffy white clouds up in the big blue sky, and saw a few of them shaped like bunnies. 'Iwonderwhatmightbringustomorrow. AtleastI'mfeelinggreattoday.'
"Hey, Jessie!" A teenage male voice calls out from behind, catching Jessie's attention from the sky. She turned around, looking at her brother nearby.