A family's life takes an unexpected turn, when the children come across a friendly giantess in the forest, who has hidden herself away from society, from another world, and has remained that way for most of her life.
They soon begin to bond togethe...
Nearby the crash site of the grey 'Jumbo' ship, Hawxman, who has miraculously survived from being thrown out of the dragon ship, he climbed his way up a rocky edge, then sat down on the ledge, clearly exhausted from nearly falling down the mountain.
'Thatbastard!' He thought to himself, clenching his fists in anger. 'Icannotbelieveit!Heactuallykickedmeoutofhisship,andleftmefordead.'
He groaned in annoyance and frustration, then looked in the direction of where the dragon ship had gone to. But before he could say anything, to his confusion, he could now see everything from his right eye. He placed his hand on the right side of his face, nearby his eye, and to his shock, he can't feel the mask that covered his eyes.
He looked over to a small pond nearby, and he could see that the right side of his mask had broken off, revealing his right eye, which was a gentle tree brown. He gently touched the skin under his eye, and a small smile began to appear on his face.
'Myeye...' He thought to himself in awe. 'I'veneverseenmyeyeinsuchalongtime...' He felt like he had been given a new lease on life. 'It'sbeautiful...'
The sound of a loud explosion got his attention from his eye, as he looked to the crashed aircraft, where he could see the fires from the engines and other parts of the craft that were burning up. It looked like the damage was far more severe than it did from up in the air.
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Hawxman narrowed his eyes towards the crashed ship, and he sprinted off towards the crash, hoping the humans were alive. If they were, there might be a chance to redeem himself by helping them all.
He pushed back some metal around the cockpit and passenger cabin, tearing the door right off its hinges, and throwing it away before he entered the damaged fuselage. He could see wires, lights, cables, along with seats being thrown around the place, along with shattered windows and broken components.
Hawxman lifted and removed some seats from the area, then found Jessie, who was protected by the seats from the crash. He picked her up gently, the pulled her out of the wreckage, placing her under the shade of a nearby tree. He then ran back inside, and found both Naomi and James, the two of them hugging one another, and sporting some soot and burns, and he also found Fiona next to them. Hawxman picked the couple up in his two arms, and carried them out of the plane, then are back to pick up Fiona. When he got back into the plane, Hawxman then found Tyler, Chika, and Andrea, the three of them downed but strapped into their seats, the two women looking like they've been hit by whiplash. He noticed Tyler strapped down into the pilot's seat, tightly. The former hunter picked up the three teenagers, ripping Tyler out of his seat, then carried them out of the wreckage of the ship. Finally, Hawxman entered the vessel once again, and found both Karen and Braedey, the two of them slightly crushed from the seats that have been ripped up from the floor by the crash, but the two weren't too badly injured. Hawxman lifted the damage and wreckage of seats, threw them out of the wreckage of the ship, lifted the two teens up and over his shoulders, holding them in a fireman's hold, then carried them out of the plane.