Chapter Twelve: The Hunt Begins

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During the course of over two months since Diana has arrived at the Martin home, the 35ft giantess has gotten along with them so well, she felt like she was a part of their family. In addition, she has gotten along with Andrea and Bravery, whilst Karen, who was still cautious of her, soon got along with the gentle and friendly giantess. Plus, the two didn't mind being alongside one another, talking about girl things.


On a clear morning, Diana and Naomi were both thinking about new clothing options for the 35ft giantess. The two then heard grunting and yells outside. Naomi and Diana go over to the barn's window, and they see Braedey, but he was practicing his 'Martin-Fu' martial arts, doing quick strikes and blows, whilst doing some roundhouse spins, butterfly kicks, backflip and frontflip kicks, and some uppercuts, just to name the few moves he's doing.

"What is he doing?" Diana asked in confusion.

"He practicing his own martial art, known as 'Martin-Fu'." Naomi explained. "He's created this type of hand-to-hand combat by combing Judo, Kung-Fu, Karate, and the unique fighting style hat has been used by Tarzan, the Ape Man." She looked to the giantess. "Braedey's shown you the film 'Tarzan', didn't he?"

"Yeah, he did." Diana nodded to her. "Tarzan looked rather interesting, and Braedey told me he's been learning out to move and fight like him."

"Well, Braedey incorporated Tarzan's moves with Kung-Fu, Karate, Judo, Taekwondo, and other fighting styles, in order to create 'Martin-Fu'." Naomi explained to her.

"Well, he is really good at this." Diana agreed.


Meanwhile, not far away from the Martin home, two people are sneaking their way through the trees on the outside of the property. They have set up camp amongst the bushes and trees, hidden from view, as they looked over to the double-storey home and barn in the distance.

The first person is a tall man with red and black hair spiked backward in a windswept way. He looked to be possibly in his 20's. He has a mask obscuring his eyes and upper face. His skin tone looked to be slightly tannish, no thanks to his time being out and about in the sunlight, with what might be the slow growth of a beard on his face, a sharp nose. His mask is white with red, Japanese style, horn-like symbols decorating the front, and four slits on each side. The outfit is a form-fitting, black, grey, and red tunic with two-layers of flares that cause it to fall beyond his thigh. The top layer, at the base of the torso, is solid red, and extends over the hips. Below it, the second layer has two solid black pieces of fabric with red piping covering the sides of the thighs. The sleeves have a zipper on the upper arm and wide black cuffs. His pants are a matching gray to the tunic. The back of his tunic has his wilting rose emblem over a white floral design. Plus, a grey cloak covered his head but leaving only his nose to stick out in the sunlight.

The next person alongside the first is a young man who seems to be at least a year younger than the four friends. He appears to have a light build on him, but due to his size, it almost looked medium. He was wearing the black combat uniform like the first person. He was also wearing a silver wolf head male choker necklace. He has red hair which seems to be untamed and held back by a black headband. He also had some good looks with him, too.

"Are you sure this is the place of where the giantess might be hiding?" The second male asked skeptically to the first male.

The first male rolled his eyes, unseen obviously because of his mask, then picked up what looked to be a large long case. "Honestly, I wonder why you're even here on this mission." He muttered. "Obviously, the barn is where the traitor is hiding, and the humans of this home would obviously be hiding her here. You see an issue with this?"

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