Choosing Ceremony

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Zeke's POV

O MY FUCKING GOD! I can't believe that it's the choosing ceremony day! But remember Zeke, your DIVERGENT, you fit into any faction. Still can't believe my results were inconclusive, but at least I got Dauntless as one of my results. But i got god damn nose(dauntless slang for erudite)! But I do know what I am going to choose... DAUNTLESS!! I could never leave dauntless cake. But yet what is there in any other faction that's better than cake. And my thoughts were interrupted by my annoying brother.

"GET YOUR FAT ASS UP ZEKE! OR ELSE WE ARE GOING TO MISS THE DAMN TRAIN!" "SHUT UP DUMB ASS!" What the hell is wrong with my brother. Idiot.

"TRIS IS WAITING FOR US OUTSIDE OUR DOOR NOW DIP SHIT!" How the hell did he know that I had a crush on tris? O well, I'll probably find some sweet heart during initiation. "COMING SHERLOCK!" Uri is no sherlock, I can tell you that.

----------on the way to the train--------
I'm trying to find Tris so then I can be by her on the train and jump off with her.
"What ya thinking Zekester?" Damn Tris' voice is like fresh dauntless cake. Yum!
"Just nervous bout the choosing ceremony."
"Why's that Zeke? I hope you choose Dauntless. It's because your my best friend and I don't want to lose you." OMFG! I think Tris has a lil thing for me like I do for her! I hope she chooses dauntless at her ceremony. She looks HOT in black.
"Thanks Zeke. You don't look to bad in black yourself!" Damn, did I say that out loud?
"Yes you did, moron!"
"Oh. Damn it! I hate myself right now for you having to hear that out loud. That was meant for me to hear Tris. Sorry." STUPID STUPID STUPID!!! What the hell dude get it together!

--------Tris POV(sorry thought i would change back to hers)----
Does Zeke like me? I kinda like him. He probably doesn't like me because I'm ugly. I'm short and weak. I'm not fit for dauntless, but here I am! But Zeke has these chocolate eyes that look like the could be made out of Dauntless cake for all I know. What ever. Bout to jump off the train. The reason, I see the Hancock building that's why.
"Hey, what you staring at Trissy poo?" Damn it! I hate that nick name, but its Zeke calling me it. He's really sweet some times.
"Just your eyes. It looks like your eyes could be dauntless cake. Do you like anything about me?" Lets see what he thinks. Probably like i thought, ugly, likes nothing about me.
"Everything,"wait what?"but, mostly your blue/gray eyes. They make you even prettier."he actually thinks I'm pretty! Yay! He likes me.
"That is the nicest thing you have ever said to me. Besides saying I look hot in dauntless black."

---Uriah POV---
What the hell is going on with my brother and Tris? Do they have a thing for each other? I know Zeke has something for Tris, but does Tris like Zeke back? Ive liked Tris longer than him. He CANT take Tris away from ME. Shes MY Tris.
"Uriah? What you staring at?" OMFG Tris is talking to me just out of nowhere when she was talking to Zeke.
"Bro, you in there?"
"Uh, yea. Sorry." Damn it Uri. Your a dumb ass. Tris probably doesn't even like me.

---back to Zeke's POV--choosing ceremony time!---
Everyone in walking into the choosing ceremony. This year Amity is leading the ceremony. Oh so many names are called until a stiff is called.
"Tobias Eaton" Johanna Reyes said robotic like. Never expected that from the voice of Amity. Wait?! Like Tobias Eaton from the papers? Whatever. I wasn't paying attention when, I heard a sizzle of burning blood. A stiff actually picked dauntless for the first time. WHAT THE HELL!! What ever. Idfc, maybe him and I can become friends. Then more names were called until a nose named Eric was called. He also picked dauntless. WHAT THE HELL IS A NOSE GONNA DO IN DAUNTLESS?! BECOME DAUNTLESS LEADER AFTER INITIATION?! He's gonna become an enemy of mine very soon. Then my name was called.
"Zeke Pedrad" damn it! Not one more name before me? Oh well, its now or never.
"Good luck Zeke!" Tris and Uri shouted before I stood up. Dumb asses. Thats what they are. But, I love Tris.
I shakily walk up and slice my hand and move it towards the coals. The dauntless cheered. Typical dauntless.

Thought I would leave you guys with a cliffy. Well tell me what I should do next.
If there is any thing you want tell me, message me. If you have questions, I WILL answer them.
I have a game-if you can guess these questions 100% correct I will give you a shout out. LET THE DAMN GAMES BEGIN!!

1.whats my favorite divergent character?
2.whats tris' first fear?(if u have read the book u no)
3.whos the first jumper in divergent? old am i?
5.whats my TWO favorite colors?

Thats all for questions. Remember, shout out for u is included. Shout out will be in next chapter. And a shout out will be for chapter ideas.

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