Chap 9: memories of initiation

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"Yo! 4 over here!"
"I want u to meet Isabella. Thats all. And Isabella this is my best friend 4"
"Nice to meet u 4"
"Nice to meet u 2 Isabella" shes not as pretty as Tris but i will have to do if i want to date someone. She looks Erudite.
"Hey! Bella? Wanna go to dinner some time? And Zeke can bring Shauna."
"Sure! I would love to!"
--dinner that night--
"So bella? Wanna b my girl friend?"
"Umm.. Idk what to say 4. Maybe some other time, just not now. Ok 4?"
"Yea thats fine. Its ok. Just thought i would ask."
--after dinner during a game if truth or dare w/ Tris--
"Tris, truth or dare"
"O zeke. U no me..DARE!"
"I dare u to...KISS 4!"
"Ok. Its not that hard" she just got dared to kiss me! I mouth to Zeke "thanx""ur welcome bud, anytime" b4 ik it, her lips r crashing into mine! We kiss for what seems like an eternity untill uri shouts "NO PDA!!"
"Chill uri. Just chill"
"Ok tobias, truth or dare?"
"Ummm.. Truth i guess"
"Hmm.. Pick, did u enjoy the kiss or do u like me?"
"Umm...ill answer both 4 u. A) i LOVED the kiss b) yes i do like u"
"Truth or dare uri"
"I dare u to ask out ur crush"
"Ok. Tris, will u go out with me?"
"Uhh. Not right now uri. Maybe later in life. Ok?'
"Yea i guess" omg almost thought she was gonna say yes to him. I better make my move quick!
"Isabella, truth or dare?"
"PANSYCA-" Lynn chucked a pillow at uri to shut him up
"With my almighty strength!" haha, Lynn can be really funny once you get to know her. Even when Uri is hit with a pillow.
--after a few truths and dares later--
"Tobias, u know the question"
"And u no my answer"
"Ok. I dare u to ask out ur crush" yes i get to make my move!
"O k. Tris, will u go out with me? Maybe be my girlfriend?"
"YES! Sorry Uri but I am breaking up with you. Maybe we could just be friends like old times sake?" "sure. we can be "bro" and "sis" again." "yup." "Ok game over. Thats all this was for. Goodnight initiate friends!"

Well now u guys were introduced to Isabella. She has an important role later on in the story. PEACE DIVERGENTIERS!!

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