Chapter 13

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Tris POV
*trisy* hey maia
*m* sup
*t* where we catching dinner? Were gonna meet u guyz there
*m* well we r going to the cafe in the court. C u soon
*t* bi
"Who was that?" Toby said. "It was maia u goof ball." "O.. So where we going?" " to the food court. So lets get going."
--time lapse--
"MAIA!" I scream as i run towards her for a hug. In the process making a fool of myself. I see someone familiar next to her. "Uri?" I say as i come to a halt. Whats he doing here? "Hey tris! This is Uriah, my boyfriend. Whos that hunk?" Maia asked as she was eying toby. "My boyfriend 4. Now paws off. Hes mine." "Shesh.. It was just a compliment towards him." "Hows it going tris? Havent talked to u in awhile. U know zeke is worried right?" Uri says as he walks towards me for a hug. I gulp "u-uh.. Sorry. Just stuff has been going on and ive been busy and needed alone time, and time with 4. Thats all. Tell zeke i said hi for me." I stumbled upon my words a little. "Will to bea." "Dont call me that here! Plz.." "Its ok. I wont continue unless we r alone." He gets closer and hugs me tight. This feels nice i thought. I hug back. I soon hear a cough sound behind me. I turn and see toby is mad. "Hehe.." I blush. "Um.. 4 i didnt mean to make u jealous. I just havent seen uri except for training and meals. I luv u u know." He nods his head in response. "Ok." I hug and kiss him quickly. "Lets eat!"
--time lapse--
"Omg that was delicious!" "Yeah! Best food ever." "CAKE WAS AMAZING!!" Uri screams. "Calm down babe.. Dont need to get over excited." Maia is such a downer. "M, thats how uri is. Same with t- i mean 4. Just not today for some reason." "Tris, im gonna head to the bathroom quick. K?" "Yea sure." "Im doing the same uri. Ull be alright?" "Yeah. Ill be fine."
--10 min later--
We have been sitting un silence the entire time. A good silence. Wheres toby? He shouldnt take this long? "Hey uri, something seems wrong right now.. Does it seem that way with u?" "Yeah.. Lets go see whats going on." Uri says as we walk towards the bathrooms together. We hear kissing and moaning coming from the area. I look closer to the teo heads i see and i see toby and maia kissing. I run over to toby with tears flowing like a river. "What is this 4?!" He stops a sees im there. "Im so sorry.. Its not what it looks like!" I slap him hard across the face. "O really? Ur kissing my now ex friend while we were dating. U deserved that slap." As i turn to walk away tobias- i mean 4 says "babe, dont go! She came on me!" I slowly turn around "im not believing it.. 4." I say as i spit his name out like venom in my mouth. I turn again and not hear his complaints. I get closer to uri and kiss him full on the lips. He kisses back. "Wow.. Would u b my girlfriend tris?" "I would b delighted." I said as i smiled. Grabbing his hand, we walked back to our dorm thing and talk and kiss for hours.

Sorry this is short. Ive been busy and its late for me. Night my little chasm jumpers!

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