chapter 11

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Hey guys! I am sorry for the fact i disappeared for months. I was grounded. but, i am giving a shout out to 123tobias5tris because they came up with the name of what I should call u guyz. well now onto the story!

Tris POV

Today after training I am going to get my tattoo edited I guess you could say. But, I have no fucking clue what to add to it. I think maybe a heart, his name, and his nickname? Yeah, that sounds good to meh. I will ask Uri after training if he wants to get another tattoo or just come with me to add onto my own tattoo.

----time laps(cuz i can)----

"Yo Uri! wanna come to the tattoo parlor with meh?" "Sure. what you gonna get?" shit wish he would have asked once we got there. "Well I am adding onto my raven tattoo." as I tell him tracing along my collar bone with the tattoo. "o cool. I think I will get a heart on my wrist. maybe we could get a matching tattoo. maybe like each others name or something." "sure.."

----on way tattoo parlor----

I jump on Uri's back again. "Come my trusty stead to the palace of ink!!" he doesn't move. "that would be u ya pea brain." "ohhhh" then he moves. he is moving fast and we are sreaming we are unicorns dancing on black rainbows (if that makes any sense). And people are looking at us like we are nuts (mostly transfers shopping in the pit(thats the mall basically), but thats because we are crazy nuts. I cant believe that we are already at the parlor. "Here we are your royal highness." "why thank you my trusty stead." we then walk in and wait for either bud or tori to be finished with whom ever they are with now. well at least I am going before Uri. And tori is normally done first with all of her customers. soon enough she is finished, then I go to her station and she of course asks "what would you like done today?" ik she has to ask but o fucking well yolo right? " I am adding onto my raven tattoo. I would like to add in the empty raven a heart, the name Tobias, and a number 4. you should no y I am doing this." she nods and gets to work. omg Toby will love this!

---time laps to meating toby(they cancelled on their date the other day)---

"Hey babe. you up for our cancelled date?" "uh yea. lets meet at the fear landscape room. c u soon ok?" "ok" *click* now time to get ready for my date. I am wearing my favorite black tube top that my mom got me for my 15th birthday, my black scrunchy sweat pants that say dauntless down the left leg, my hair in a high pony tail, and the bracelet that toby got me last year for my birthday before the c or d party, the day I broke up with uri(c or d party). well I gotta go now!

----another time laps----

"Hey babe!" "hey beau-" I crash my lips onto his and we kiss for what seems like an eternity before he breaks it off and drags me into the fear landscape room. "Ok what was it you were gonna tell me?" "my results are Dauntless, Erudite, and Abnegation. So I am Divergent. What were your results Toby?" silence. silence is all he gives me. then he just runs away from me. WTF?!? i just told him a huge secret and he just runs away. that is y i dont tell people stuff like this. I think he just broke up with me. well thats what it feels like anyways. but im gonna talk to that transfer, Chris I think? I think she will no what to do.

----time laps to finding chris and the talk----

"hey chris" i say out of breathe. i have never sprinted that much in my life. well till now. "o hey Tris! what is it that you need?"

sorry for leaving u guys on a cliff hanger. but i have news i want to share and i just want to no ur opinion on it. I have a 5sos account (lukeysgurls5sos) and i have a personal typed story (cuz the account is a co-op account for me and my friend) and its called "good girls are bad girls that havent been caught" and i was wondering if y'all 5sos fans wanted to read it. and i need suggestions on ALL of my stories. and i mean the one i just told y'all and all of my stories on this account. i need help. i have major writers block from being grounded and reading soo many fanfics (not related to divergent) but i dont have any good ideas for any of my stories. so pm me ur ideas. i will need the name of the book and ur ideas (if its a whole chapter that would b wonderful). i will try to get in the habit of writing again. but hmwk gets in the way and so does work. but luv y'all! bai! and ps 123tobias5tris. plz pm what i should call all of y'all? i cant seem to find the comment. it would b helpful.

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