Chapter 12

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The picture is tris' outfit. And the video describes the chapter.
"I think 4 dumped me.."
"Wait, what? Did i just hear that right? U think he dumped u? Aww hell no!"
"Chris, chill. Should i talk to him? Or should i wait till i see him again?"
"Gogogogogo! Go talk to him quick! Uk where he lives. Now go b4 ur prince leaves u."
....-time laspe-....
As i walk closer to toby's place, the more scared i got. And the idiot I am, I kept my head dow the entire way. So, as I was walking, I bumped into someone. I look up. There stands a girl who was someone I wouldnt want to mess with. She looked about my age. "H-hi, what's y-your name? I-I'm Beatrice. But I prefer Tris." "Maia. Nice outfit by the way." "Thanks" "np. So where you headed? Well, since you bumped into me and all." "o. My boyfriends place. He's 2 years older than me. what about you Maia?" "Just the mall to get a sic tat. wanna come? I'm sure ur guy can wait." "Sure" I never even asked how old she is.. "Hey Maia, how old are you?" "16. you?" "16." "cool" "yeah"
....-time lapse-....
what should I get, what should I get? oooh! I should get the word believe on my inner right wrist. and i can add on later, but believe sounds good for now. "So whatch gettin?" "the word 'believe' on the inside of my wrist. you?" "dauntless flames on my lower back." "cool" "yup. and same for yours. it suits you." "thanks"
....-time lapse after tattoo-....
"That was alot of fun." "hell yeah it was T. So can I have your number so we can talk and hang again, it was nice." "sure" i write down my number and give it to her as she does the same. "So catcha later girl!" "later!" we sprint apart to get to our next destinations. Mine is Toby's.
-Toby POV-
Why did i run from Tris?! im an idiot. she probably thinks I hate her.. I havent even gotten a call or text from her. *RIIIIING**RIIIIING* "hey Tris. Whats up?" "Im almost to your place. we need to talk about earlier. Here now. open the door please. thanks." *click* As I walk to my door, I get scared of what shes about to tell me. "Hey babe. come in." Tris walks to my couch and pats an open spot next to her. "sooo." "so" "why did you run off? I told you a big secret and then you run off. Why?" "Im really sorry Tris. I just- I didnt know what to do next. But, if I stayed I would have told you that im divergent as well." "o" "yeah..." "so you didnt break up with me." "yeah. and you dont hate me?" "yup" "so what did you do for an hour? cuz it was an hour since I ran away from you." "well I talked to Chris, who btw might be pissed at you. she told me what to do, which means she sent me here. but, then I bumped into a girl named Maia. I think i have seen her around before aside from initiation. So we both went and got tats. which is why i have a bandaid on my right wrist." i look at her wrist. i didnt notice she had a bandaid on her wrist. "so then after that, we exchanged numbers. then we split and now i am here. and i am gonna take a wild guess you have been sitting here hating on yourself over and over." "pretty much" "well I luv you toby" "luv you tris" "luv you more" "impossible because i luv you with all my heart" "I luv u infinitely" "damn it.." "i always win on the love" "y are we dating?" "cuz you luv me and i luv you. and it was luv at first sight, AND we met through Zeke Pedrad. the goofball of goofballs" "*chuckles* yeah.. those were good times" "hey, wanna get dinner with Maia and her boyfriend. she told me she has a boyfriend, i just dont know who. soo what do you say?" "sure." "ok lets head out now"

Sorry for the wait. I got my ipad taken away for awhile. So i luv you guys so much and I am going to go on an updating spree. luv ya my little chasm jumpers! (i found the comment @123tobias5tris!) oh and a shout out to @Maia_revenge to the character you made up for the book. sorry i changed the age so she was in the same initiation class as uriah and tris. well bai!
<3 Michella

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