The party continued(c or d/prt4)

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(Tris POV)

Cant believe that nim-wad just called me by my first name! Well i cant wait till we start c or d! I guess i must have zoned out cuz mar waves her hand in front of my face.

"Yo! Earth to Tris! What ya thinkin gurl?"damn it! I was zoned out. It must've been blue eyes over there. Dreamy.

"Just excited. I also cant wait till our initiation and who is going first for c or d. Thats all!" Well that was close!

"Okaaayy. Well let's tell Zeke and Uri to kill everyone but the gang and the initiates out!"

"Kk" time to go!

(Zeke POV)

Well im gonna kick some people out when..

"ALRIGHT PANSYCAKES! OUT IF U WERENT INVITED GET OUT!!" A voice had said. The voice was Tris'. Damn she has a bea-utiful voice.

"SHES RIGHT! OUT PANSIES!!" Lets get this started!

"Alrighty gang, in a circle for Candor or Dauntless."

"What is that?" Who said that? Oooh, wait a god damn abnegation has never played this? Wow.

"Well.....(if yall dunno its truth or dare. He explains it.) and the penalty is one layer of clothing comes off."

"Since i live here i go first." I did not just say that. That was Uri. "Alright, Zeke, mah brotha, c or d?"


"I dare u to kiss ur crush." Did that just come out?

"Ok." I go to Tris and kiss her full on the lips. And she kissed back!

(Tris POV: just her moment in this)

Zeke just kissed me! Omfg he just kissed me and on the lips! And with that i kiss back. And i enjoy it very much so!

(Back to Zeke's POV)

We make out till we r interrupted by Uri.



"Alright, Tris, mah friend, c or d"

"I want d!!" That sounded wrong! Oh well, its dauntless!

"Ok, i dare u to kiss UR crush. Ik it sounds stupid but who cares! And it can be anyone. But the Pedrads. Sorry Tris!" I hate myself right now.

"Ok Ezekiel." And she goes for Tobias! Tobias for fuck sake! She doesnt even know him! Damn it!

(Tobias POV)

I guess a girl named Tris, comes to me and kisses me on the lips for a few seconds and goes back to her spot in the circle. Damn she's cute.

"Well thanks dude. Whats ur name?"

"Welcome? And its Tobias."

"Ok Tobias. Ur a pretty damn good kisser next to Zeke here." Hmm, compared to my friend. How nice? Idk im not loved and ik it.

(Zeke POV)

Tris thinks im a good kisser. And she likes me. Why else would she kiss back?

-game continues with stupid dares till midnight-

"Well night everyone. Tris u gonna go home or hang with Uri?"

"Night Zeke. And ill keep Uri company for a few hours. Uh, Zeke? Can i tell u something?"

"Yah, anything. What is it?"

"I think i like u. And ik u like me so now, go to ur bed Ezekiel!"

"Night Beatrice." She is gorgeous and my best friend. How do i chose?

Well till next chapter. PEACE PANSYCAKE BITCHES!!

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