Chapter 10

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Hey guys! Just wanted to update tonight even though it is like 11pm in Wisconsin. I just haven't updated in awhile so yeah, I am REALLY sorry for not updating in like forever! but I have been busy lately with visiting family and what not. so.. ON TO THE STORY!!

 Tris POV:

(before present time)O MY FUCKING GOD!! Tobias is now MY boyfriend. I have been waiting for this day my whole life! I run up to him before he leaves and I crash my lips into his like my dare but the kiss this time was better than the dare. And he kisses back thankfully. "Love you!" "I love you too Tris." and then I jump off of him(because I jumped on him for the kiss) and then I head home. Thank you lord!

(present day)

 YAY! I might have my boyfriend as my instructor. Pro, I get to hang with him all the time thru out initiation. Cons, I have to hide my relationship(probably) from all of the dauntless borns. And transfers might end up "head over heals" for him. That has hapened before, I get jealos easily. As I lost my trrain of thought, I noticed I was on the train. Must be force of habit, o well. And I am next to a smart-mouth. "Hi, My names Christina. What's your name?" chatty much? "My name is Tris. Can I call you Chris or something. And if you can't tell I am Dauntless born. What makes you think you are fit enough for dauntless smart-mouth?" "You can call me Chris I guess. And I am just not good enough for candor. I also don't like the candor initiation. trith serum. that is all I am going to tell you." "ok? Well you are gonna think smart-mouth initiation is a piece of cake compaired to dauntless initiation." "How so?" "You will see Chris, you will see. hehe." now is the time to jump. 6,5,4,3,2...1!! I land on the roof like a cat. Then I hear a thud behind me. Chris. I turn around and the smart-mouth is dusting herself off because of the gravel on of the roof. I ,for one , am used to it. It's my life. well I am going to be the first jumper. before I know it, Eric is asking for volunteers to jump. I go to the ledge and ya know, JUMP!! I know what happens next, the net. THUD!! I lay there for a minute, then my boyfriend "helps" me hout of the net(even though I can do it by myself). "Hey beautiful." "hey handsome" "name? *wink wink*" hehe, he is so funny, he doesn't think he is kind but he truly is kind he just doesn't see it. "Tris" "FIRST JUMPER, TRIS!!!" I smile for the fact that I might, just might have kim as my instructor this year. after all, he did help me "perfect" my knife throwing skills.

Tobias POV:

I am glad I was able to trade with Lauren, so I could train my girlfriend this year. What she doesn't know is that all of the dauntless born boys want to be with her. She also doesn't think she is stunning, beautiful, my everything. Once everyone has jumped and gotten out of the net, "Hello, I am Four and this is Lauren. I will be traing the dauntless borns and Lauren has the transfers. so borns, i dont need to give you a tour but I will be showing you to your dorms. Let's go!" This year is gonna be fun! I see Tris is waiting for me. I get to her and intertwine our fingers together since we are the last two by the net. "So, is it ok if I ask for my girlfriends results on her aptitude test? We cna talk bout this in my appartment later during your free time today after settling in your dorm. how bout that?" "Sounds like a date! and yes we can becasue you are going to find out sooner or later. How bout we meet in the fear landscape room? It makes it easier to tell you/show you. adn maybe pending on my results you can help me. sound good?" "Yes it does Tris. see you after dinner?" "Yes, after dinner."

Tris POV:

Me and Toby are going on our semi official date. Not really but what evs right? Can't believe that I am telling him that I am Divergent... well this will be a fun night. before dinner im gonna dare Uri to shoot a muffin off of Mars head and then ask her out. It is one to help her friend right? well time to "settle in". 

----Time Laps----

"Yo! Uri can I talk to you?" "Yea sure what is it trissy poo?" this is all going according to plan! "a) never call me that ever again, and b) I dare you to shoot a muffin off of Mars head and then ask her out on a date. Ya know she has had a crush on you since we were like 5 right?" "I will take the dare cuz i ain'y no pansy-" SLAP! "dont bring that back!" "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR?!?!" "cuz you are an idiot for trying to bring that back." "o" "ok so now lets go and pick beds-" Mar and I took care of that. we all have beds by eachother. now lets go!! I wanna go get tattoos!! ya know tradition right?" "ya lets go before dinner starts" then Uri grabs my hand so I can keep up with his speed. I bet he doesn't notice. "Can I invite Mar and 4?" he stops and turns. aww he looks sad. I wish he was happy for me and we get quality time- "FUCK!!" damn it I thought out loud. what the hell is wrong with me? "whats wrong tris?" "o nothing. just thought out loud" now i no why he looked so glum. he still has a crush on me. something unexpected happens. he KISSES me!! I push him off. "sorry tris. I was just in the moment." "let me quick call 4 and mar and then we can go. ok?" "ok"TFIOS moment lol. i call up toby... "Hey babe whats up?" "do you wanna come to the tattoo parlor w/ me, uri, and mar?" silence "sure babe. want me to meet you there?" "yea. and I will get you cake during dinner ok?" "ok and YOU ARE THE BEST BABE!!" "welcome and c you soon. sus!" "bai!" *click* now for mar... "hey mar" "yo whats up?" "going to the tat parlor with uri and 4. wanna come?" "sure. meet you there." "bai!" "by tris" *click* "Ok uri we can go now. they are on their way now." i jump on his back(cuz i can) "lets go my trusty stead! to the tattoo parlor!" "yes your majesty. hah lol" we laugh and scream all the way there like the dauntless we are. "we are here your majesty" "thanx uri! now all we do is wait for those two slow pokes" after waiting like 20 min... "hey guys! what took you guys so long?" "o well for me i wanted to do a quick change and apply make up." "4?" "i took a detour to get here." "ok now that everyone is here, LETS GO INSIDE!!!" as we walk in I no what I want to get.. "hey toby?" "yea tris?" "do you wanna get a couples tattoo? like i get your name in an arrowed heart?" 5sos ref. I absolutley adore them! now back to the story. "sure and i will get the same" "ok lets do that. adn along with that I will get three ravens" "why three?" "one for u my mom, and then my dad. well since i have no bro i thought u could b the one closest to my heart." i tell him as i trace along side my collar bone "wow thats amazing. and i love the ideas." as dinner neared, toby and I got matching tattoos and uri got a snake around his right ear. toby got his heart on his left hand and i got mine on my right hand so then the tattoos can rub against eachother. and the raven closest to my heart is just a black outline because i am gonna add to that one later.

well guys, sorry to leave on a cliff hanger. I finished this at like 12:30 in the morning in wisconsin. I was also listening to a 5sos mix on youtube while writing this. well hope you guys enjoyed the chapter. and god bye my diergentiers!

-Michella Bauer

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