Tris and Uri (prt 1)

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This chapter is gonna have some Uris moments. Don't hate me. I just wanted a moment that may effect the future. Now back to the story!

--Uri's POV--
Ok. So this is the time I can ask Tris to come over and ask her out. I need to do this as if it was a life or death situation(which it is). Yeah, there may be other "fish in the sea" but, I want Tris to be MINE. Don't fucking judge me! Well, back on topic.
"Hey Tris. Wanna come over to mine and Zeke's for Candor or Dauntless?(I'm not going to show the whole game btw guys! Just a heads up. And it will be next chapter. Luv y'all. 😊) You don't have to if you don't want to."
"Sure i'll go Uri. See you there! What time does it start and when?" Oh shit! Never thought she would ask that question. DAMN IT!!
"Tonight and the usual for the games. You've been to enough of them, so yeah. See ya!" Hell ya! I actually got Tris to come over! Oh well, gotta invite more people. And tell Zeke. He. Will. Be. Either pissed. Or happy. Zeke can invite anyone as usual. Hopefully, brings a hot initiate for him so I can have Tris for myself.

--Tris' POV--
Uri, my bff, just asked me to a Candor or Dauntless party. Hopefully either me and Zeke will hook up or me and a hot initiate in Zeke's class. CAN'T WAIT!! EEEEKKK!!! Gotta call Mar(Marlene) to help me pick my outfit out. I'm still self conscious of my body, but I still wanna look hot for the guys. Lol. And maybe have a surreal kiss with my true love. I am going early so I can talk to Zeke. Well, on to the phone call(yes we dauntless are high tec).
M=Mar and T=Tris
T-hey Mar
M-what up T?(T is my nick name Mar calls me)
T-well, I need help picking out an outfit for c or d. Can u please help?
M-HELL YA I CAN!! Sorry for screaming. Whens the party? And were?
T-it's ok for 1 thing. And 2&3 tonight at uri and zeke's. And to answer ur next question, i plan on leaving an our before the usual time it starts so i can talk to zeke.
M-omg! My bgfl(best girlfriend for life) has a crush and is growing up soooo fast! Lol.
T-oh shut the fuck up, and get ur ass over here!
Thats when the call ended and the torture began. What the hell did I get myself into?
Sorry i had to end it here. Im writing around 1:30 in the morning in the cheese state. So im fucking tired! PEACE BITCHES!!(sorry fo da foul language, im soooooooo fucking tired so leave me be) peace again.

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