The train

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I shakily walk up and slice my hand and move it towards the coals. The dauntless cheered. Typical dauntless.
--back to the story--Zeke's POV---
Then as I walked back to my seat , the stiff, Tobias I think, talked to me for at least 2 minutes before the end.
"Hey. I'm Tobias Eaton. What happens next from here? I mean the ceremony. What's next?" Wow that kid is curious for a stiff.
"Uh, I'm Zeke Pedrad. And we run to the train."
"W-what?! Run! I-I dont r-run." Wow the stiff must not have ever ran in his life. Has the build.
"Well this is what you signed up for! WHOOOOO!" That is when we all started running. Then I realised the stiff isnt gonna climb up to the train, has no clue what he is doing.
"Do you need help? By the way, you climb up to the train, not walk." He looks confused.
---Tobias' POV---
I have no clue what I have just signed up for. And that looks really high up. But I have to or else I'm factionless. And I cant be factionless. I have to get away from Marcus. I HAVE to pass initiation. I just have to.
Wow, I just climbed that like it was nothing. Well now to jump on to the train. Great(note the sarcasm).

"Dude, you ok?" Oh, wait, was he there the whole time? Oh god.
"Uh, what? Uh, yeah, I'm fine." I was toooootally lying about that.
"Ya sure? You look petrified." Wow he's good.
"Your Zeke, right?" Wow thats the worlds dumbest question.
"Uhhhh, yeah. And your the first stiff to join Dauntless, EVER. You should be proud. Wanna be friends?" Wow he wants to be friends with me. I mean ME.
"Uh, sure. Friends, I like the sound of that." I really did like the sound of it. Never had a friend back in Abnegation.
"JUMP STIFF!!" Holy shit! Did I just think that?
--on the train--

Damn. Almost became factionless. That was real fucking close!
"Hell yea it is." I said that out loud. Damn it!
"Sure hell you did say that out loud. And smooth stiff smooth."
And i actually made my first friend here in Dauntless.

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