Chapter 8: Ice skate with Jack Frost; Jack, I'm scared

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At night
" Gail walks on the street with her best friend, Olga going back home. They talked about Gail breaks up with big hero six during their walk. Gail told the story on how she broke up with them and after she told everything, Olga was very shocked about it. " Olga: ( Gasp ) Why they need to do that? Gail: I don't know.. Olga: They let you join their group and they not use you! Gail: Yeah.. Olga: I'm very happy for you before and now I'm mad at them for what they done to you. Gail: ( Sigh ) " They both arrive at Gail's house. " Gail: Thanks for taking me home Olga. Olga: No problem Gail goodnight. Gail: Night. ( Went inside ) Olga: ( Walk back to her home to sleep ) Gail: ( Sleep ) ( Her phone buzz and lighten up ) ( Picks her phone and look up ) Jack? Why he text me in the middle of the night? ( Yawn ) ( Reads Jack's messege )

Jack's messege
" Sorry to wake you but my friend, Jamie wants to ice skate tomorrow night and.. I want you and Jamie to meet each other. Can you come ice skating with us tomorrow night? " He asked " Well, yeah I love too but how did he see you? " Gail questioned Jack " Long story but um.. See you tomorrow night? " " Yeah.. Bye. " ( Put the phone down and sleep again )

Skipping morning and afternoon
" Its night time again and this time Gail went where she will meet Jack Frost and Jamie with his friends. Jack put Gail on her ice skates with a wave of his staff. Jamie and his friends skate first because.. Apparently Gail doesn't know how to skate. " Gail: Jack, I don't know how to skate. Jack: It's okay I'll teach you. ( Hand over his hand to Gail ) Gail: ( Smile and reach Jack's hand to hold ) " Both of them skate while Gail holds Jack's hand. Jack lets go of her hand for her to try to balance and try to skate by herself. Gail looks at herself balancing surprisingly that she can actually skate. " Gail: Oh my god I can actually skate! Jack: See I told you to believe. Gail: ( Roll her eyes ) Whatever. ( Skate ) Jack: Hey wait for me! Jamie: ( Laugh ) You'll never catch us Jack. Jack: We'll see. ( Chase them ) " All of them were having so much fun skating. Jamie and his friends left the frozen lake to sleep. Gail and Jack were left having fun when all of the sudden, crack of the ice is under Gail's feet. " Gail: ( Gasp ) Jack: Gail, don't move! " As a mother of fact, Gail never seen this side of Jack. He's being serious. " Gail: Jack, I'm scared. " Jack tries to freeze the ice to make it stable. " Jack: Just come towards me one step at the time just like we practiced. Gail: Ok. ( Nervous ) " She took one step and the moment she steps, a shattering from her face that rang of the crack of the ice through her ears. " Gail: Jack.. Jack: Don't worry, you'll be fine. " Jack tried to comfort her. he tried to be strong in saving Gail but flashbacks of his sister standing there and Jack saving her life and he fell through the cold water kept haunting him. She took another step and another crack shot through her ears. When she took the third step, the ice fully cracked beneath her and fell in. " Gail: ( Scream ) Jack: Gail!

Gail's POV
" I was been trashed around the cold water. I tried to get back to the surface, I tried to get back to Jack but it was too late. My lungs started to become colder and colder everytime until I was dying for air. My heart was frozen ice and my skin felts changed to pure white like Jack. I saw Jack swimming through the icy cold water trying to grab me. We were inches away until I was gave into the darkness and everything slowly fades. The cold icy water around me, the concern on Jack's face. Everything was totally.. Gone..

This is first time I saw Gail fell in the icy cold water. I can't believe this is happening to her. Will Jack save her or she will die? Who knows? She will rise again and that will be in the next chapter. Now Gail is dead as ice, she and Jack can bond even more! Can't wait to read with you in the next! Bye!

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