Chapter 20: Evil necklace strikes Gail

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Gail's POV
" Morning has come and we had finished our routine. The guardians and me are in living room, talking when all of the sudden, someone knocks on the door. I was running towards it and open it. When I open, I saw Mayumi holding a box and gave it to me. I ask what it is but she ran away instead. " Gail: ( Close the door and open the box ) What's wrong with Mayumi? Tooth: I think she is in the hurry. Gail: Well, this a nice necklace. ( Wear it ) ( Dark magic ) Tooth: Wonderful necklace that Mayumi gave to you. Gail: Yeah.. ( Feels dizzy ) Jack: ( Walk towards Gail slowly ) Gail? Gail: ( Falls ) Jack: Gail! ( Run fast and catch Gail with groan ) Gail! What happen to you? Gail? Gail? Tooth, let's bring her to North. Tooth: ( Nod and fly with Jack towards North )

At Pitch's lair
" Mayumi had arrive at Pitch's lair and tranform back to Vanessa. " Pitch: Great job my dear, you gave Gail that evil necklace. Vanessa: It was that easy she doesn't know what's coming for her. Pitch: Hahaha! She's a fool. Vanessa: She deserve that dad for what she done to me. Pitch: Hahaha! Very good my daughter.

North Pole
Gail: ( Wakes up ) ( Get up ) Jack: Gail, what happen to you? Gail: I felt dizzy all of the sudden. Santa: Hm.. Let me check on you very quickly. ( Checking on Gail and finished ) There's nothing wrong with you. Tooth: So, is she paranoid? Jack: Tooth. Tooth: Sorry, just saying. If she's not paranoid, where did her dizziness come from? Bunny: I don't know where it came from. Gail: ( Shock and scream like in pain ) Bunny: Now what? Gail: ( Shoot her guardian friends aside ) All: ( Scream and fell ) Jack: ( Groan ) ( Sees Gail in blury vision ) Gail: ( Breath in and out shockly ) I-I didn't m-mean to hurt all of you. Bunny: Gail.. Gail: I'm sorry. ( Run ) Jack: Gail! ( Chase Gail )

Gail: ( Run ) Jack: Gail, wait! Stop! Gail: ( Stop ) Jack: Gail, I know what's wrong with you and why you are dizzy. You need to fight it! Gail: I can't! Jack: You can! I know you can. Gail: ( Shoot Jack ) Jack: ( Push away to an ice wall and fell ) Gail: Hahaha! Oh no why I say that? I need to get away from here. ( Run ) Pitch: There you are. Gail: ( Stops with gasp ) Pitch: ( Holds Gail's arm tightly ) Gail: Leave me alone! Jack: Leave her alone Pitch! ( Shoot Pitch ) Pitch: ( Block ) You can't defeat me Jack! You're too weak! Jack: ( Shoot Pitch ) Pitch: ( Get hit in the eye ) Jack: Run Gail! Gail: ( Run and shoot Jack ) Jack: ( Fall ) Gail: Not again. ( Sees Pitch and run ) Pitch: ( Capture Gail ) Got you now! Gail: ( Struggle ) Pitch: ( Disappears with Gail ) Jack: No! No.. ( Run in ) Guys! Tooth: Yeah? Jack: Pitch got Gail. Santa: What? Why the chosen one? Jack: I don't know but it's something with that attitude that Gail had before. Did you guys notice that her eyes were yellow like Pitch Black? Tooth: I didn't see it because it's blury in my eyes. Bunny: I did see it and my guess she will not be part of Pitch's nightmares but a slave to tell her whatever he wants to do. You need to go after her Jack. Jack:

Jack: Why me? Santa: Because you are our only hope to get her back

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Jack: Why me? Santa: Because you are our only hope to get her back. Jack: Fine I'll go. ( Flew away ) " Jack flews away in search of Gail Winter. "

Too short for you? Don't worry, in the next chapter, I promise it will be longer

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Too short for you? Don't worry, in the next chapter, I promise it will be longer. Well, what do you think of this chapter? Put your answers in the comment below and bye everybody.

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