Chapter 22: The death of Benedict

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In the morning
Gail's POV
" We quickly finish our routine and flew fastly towards Angela in my house. We have arrived and Angela runs towards us. " Gail: Angela, why you're running and crying? Angela: Because.. Gerald is on the cliff of Tagaytay and he and Vanessa will die together. Gail: What? I'll call Benedict for his help. Angela: Ok. Gail: ( Dial )

Calling Benedict
" Hello, Benedict? " " Gail, why are you calling? " Benedict questioned and Gail answered " Its Gerald. He is on the cliff of Tagaytay right now. He and Vanessa will die together. " Gail finished " What! " " I need your help to get him because if me and the guardians do this ourselves, that will not be much effort. " " Ok, I will be there. " " Thank you Benedict. " Gail ended the call.

" One minute later, Benedict had arrive at Gail's house. He, Gail and the guardians rode an helicopter and fly away. In minutes later, they arrive at Tagaytay to rescue Gerald. " Gail: Sir, that's Gerald's car. Benedict: Bring us closer. Gail: Gerald! Gerald! Gerald: Gail! Gail, I'm here inside the car! Benedict: I'll go down and save him. Bunny: Benedict, its too deep you can't do it. Benedict: Yes, I can do this. Gail; No, Benedict I can't let you do this be yourself. Benedict: Sorry Gail but I really have to do this for Angela. ( Go down slowly ) Gail: Be careful Benedict. Benedict: ( Go down ) Gerald! Gerald: Benedict! Benedict: Gerald, stay there I'm coming to get you. Gerald: Ok but hurry! Benedict: ( Arrive ) ( Open the door ) Gerald.. Gerald: Benedict.. Benedict: Move slowly Gerald. Gerald: ( Move slowly and hold to a rope before Benedict ) Benedict: Ok.. Hold on Gerald. Pull the rope! ( Goes up with Gerald ) Vanessa: ( In pain ) ( Sees the helicopter ) Is that Gail Winter? No, no! Can't let this happen! No!! ( Raise her arm towards the helicopter ) Egnùm fáum fíre! ( Shoot fire going towards the helicopter rope and it lights fire ) Gerald: ( Scream ) Gail: Gerald! Benedict: Gerald, what's happening? Gerald: There's fire on the rope. Benedict: What! Gerald: We can't get up if it's on fire. Benedict: There's one way to do this. Gerald: What? Benedict: ( Bring out the knife ) Gerald: Benedict no. Benedict: I have to do this for your friend, Gail Winter and for Angela. Gail: Benedict no I need you. Benedict: Gail, you don't need me anymore. If I'm alive, the more problems you can get. Gail: But this is wrong. Gerald: Benedict, Gail is correct about that, just don't do this! Benedict: Goodbye Gerald, goodbye Gail. ( Cuts the rope and falls into his death ) Gerald: Ah! Benedict! Gail: Benedict!!

Gail: No! ( Cries louder ) Jack: Oh no.. Gerald: Benedict! Gail: ( Cries ) Vanessa: ( Angry ) No! ( Hold her forehead ) Santa: Never seen a guardian this so sad. Gail: ( Sob ) Ah, Benedict! ( Cries louder ) No! ( Cries ) Gerald: Benedict! Gail: No! ( Cries with lots of tears ) Jack: ( Hugs Gail tighter ) Gail, that's enough crying because we were super worried for you if you cry. Gail: No, I need Benedict. Benedict! ( Cry ) Jack: Gail.. Listen.. ( Make Gail face him ) Benedict is dead.. ( Start to tear drop ) And there's nothing we can do about it. Gail: ( Cry even more ) Jack: He is a good man for you Gail.. For all of us.. Let's go. Gail: ( Sniff ) Ok.. " Gerald is on the helicopter and they flew back home. Arrive.. " Angela: ( Run towards Gerald ) Gerald! ( Hugs Gerald ) ( Sees Gail so sad ) Gail? Gail: Angela.. I'm so sorry.. Angela: Sorry? Gail: Benedict is dead. Angela: No.. ( Tears up ) Gail: He sacriface himself for all of us. Angela: Benedict.. Gerald: Nevermind about Benedict but.. I'm so sorry Angela I'll never leave you and or baby again. Angela: Its okay but next time, don't leave us. Gerald: I promise. Gail: Angela, I didn't know you're married with Gerald. Angela: I didn't tell you? Sorry for not telling you. Gail: Its okay. Jack: Gail, we need to go back. We need to defeat Pitch. Gail: Oh yeah.. Bye Angela and Gerald! ( Fly up ) Angela and Gerald: Bye Gail. " Angela and Gerald says their goodbyes to Gail Winter and the guardians flew away, going back to the North Pole. "

North Pole
Jack's POV
" We arrive at the North Pole to defeat Pitch. I forgot I have a second gift for Gail ugh! I'm forgetful but don't worry, I'll give to her after we defeat Pitch but we don't know if he will come. Night time came again and all the guardians slept. "

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