Chapter 38: You want a battle? You've got a war; Gail's center

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" Gail is finally out of Pitch's lair and saw Pitch across my side. The other guardians follows Gail out and Gail started talking.. " Gail: This is it Pitch! We come to this! This is now your end! Pitch: Hahaha! Tooth: Pitch, stop this right now! Pitch: Hahaha! You guardians may want to leave but this is between me and that girl. Bunny: No! We're helping Gail! Pitch: You all are foolish! I could kill Frost right now. His heart is still beating. Tooth: Yeah, yeah that was Dark Jack said. Pitch: Silence! If you don't leave, he will truly die. " The guardians quickly scooped Jack and go back to the North Pole but Bunny stays. " Bunny: You can do this Gail. I know you can win and end this fight for good. Pitch: Well.. Now.. Let us finish what we started. Gail: I'm ready..

Gail's POV
" The silence is off, the battle is on. I'm ready.. To kill Pitch once and for all. "

Pitch: This is your last chance Gail! You will join me or die! Gail: I don't plan on dying Pitch. Pitch: Battle begins now! " Pitch throws dark bolts towards Gail and she dodged it with her icy breath and wave of her staff. " Gail: ( Shoots some icy towards Pitch ) Pitch: ( Block )

Gail's POV
" Pitch is so down! I dodge a lot of his dark bolts but then I was caught of the nightmares from behind. I struggled to make myself free but they toss me around like a ragdoll. They almost ripped my clothes because I was set free by Pitch. "

Pitch: Great job MIM, Gail is the perfect chosen one. ( Almost cracks Gail's ribs ) Gail: No! ( Part of her eye turns red ) ( Shoots Pitch ) Pitch: ( Stopped himself and fly towards Gail ) Gail: Ow! Pitch: Haha! Pathetic guardian! Don't know how to fight! Gail: ( Spit him with her blood on her mouth ) Pitch: Ew! ( Throws Gail to the ground ) Gail: ( Fall and groan ) Pitch: Hahaha!! Gail: ( Breath in and out ) Man in Moon: Use the power within you. ( Whispers to Gail )

Gail's POV
" I have to win this for the children, I have to win this for the guardians, I have to win this for my baby, I have to win this for Jack and I have to win this for myself. I talked to myself with that and gripped my staff and my icy rope tightly, angrily. I thought of Pitch's injection and the pain of sadness that Jack was stabbed. I don't even know if he's okay. By this point, I am furious. I struggled myself as my eyes glow icy blue and my hands are glowing icy blue too. I felt ice, snow and snowflakes going faster through my whole body. I shoot the black sand from the behind. I tried to ignore the pain, the searing pain in my body. Pitch looks so surprise as I towered above him with my ice path. I remembered what Jack said. I thought of winter days. I shot ice on the ground to make him slip and caught him in the snow so I can trap him in it. I fly towards him to punch but he started to flew back up and started to fly fast back home but I stopped him. "

Gail: Stop running Black! " Gail shoot him with her new power and he fell and stated to fly again but failed. Gail flew towards Pitch lying down to the ground. " Gail: I thought you'd put up more a fight! " Gail used those words against Pitch. " Pitch: This is not the end Gail! Gail: ( Shoot green giant roots that lifts Pitch ) Pitch: Let me go! Gail: This is for hurting my friends! This is for hurting Jack Frost! Pitch: You'll never deserve it! Gail: This is for hunting me! For my name is Gail Winter and I'm a guardian of snow, funtimes and nature. I'm a Earth-Winter spirit and my center is snow and life! ( Shoot Pitch with all her powers ) Pitch: ( Go far away ) No! ( Dies ) Gail: ( Breath in and out ) I did it.. Pitch is gone for good.. ( Close eyes and landed very fast )

Gail's POV
" Its over, Pitch's gone forever. I feel some relief but then disappointed. Its not finally over, there's Isabel, Dark Jack and Vanessa in our way. There's some black sand in the air and it says " You win Gail, you had defeat me but you will not kill my daughter, Dark Jack and Isabel. The main fear dies but other fears never dies. " Well see about that Pitch. I smash the black sand in the air and dies. I closed back my eyes on the green grass. The guardians arrive to find me and they're surprised that there was green grass all over and found me, lying with my eyes closed. They picked me up, carried me and fly off to the North Pole. "

Jack's POV
* Dreaming *

Gail: You'll never going to go me Jack! ( Laughed ) Jack: ( Chase Gail ) " We were chasing each other as soon as Gail fell on top of me. We gazed into each other before she softly kissed my lips. " Gail: ( Kiss Jack until his neck ) Jack: ( Moan ) Ah.. Gail.. Gail: ( Finished kissing Jack ) Jack: Wow.. Your lips are warm and your breath is cold. Gail: ( Giggle with a smile ) Thank you. " Then she lead her head into mine. " Gail: I wish we could stay like this forever. ( Closed eyes and sleep ) Jack: Yeah.. Me too. ( Smile and hugged her )

* End of Jack's dream *

At least Jack's not dead and Pitch's gone which means.. Gail and Jack's marriage time and birth of their baby!

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