Chapter 29: Fear

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Jack's POV
" Still in a rush for Gail Winter and she's not anywhere to be seen but all we saw was darkness. In the darkness, somebody started to talk out through darkness. "

Pitch: Well, well, well isn't the guardians. Santa: Pitch! I know you're in here! Show yourself! Pitch: Hahaha!! Oh, I will but.. Not now.. I will be in the dark 'cause I have to do something. Jack: What? You're starting to give me the chills. Pitch: I know all your fears individual and group and it starts from Tooth. Tooth.. You're afraid of terror.. Tooth: ( Gasp ) Pitch: Sandy.. You're afraid of black sand. Sandy: ( Frown face ) Pitch: Bunny.. You're afraid of falling apart. Bunny: Please don't make that true.. Pitch: Santa.. You're afraid of no wonder at all. Santa: Take that back! Pitch: Lastly, Jack.. You're afraid of Gail being too evil and doesn't love you anymore. Jack: No.. My.. Gail still loves me.. Pitch: She loves Dark Jack now and not you! Jack: No! Pitch: Where was I? Oh yes.. For all of you, you're fear is me, darkness and Gail. All: ( Heads shaking ) " While the guardians are down, Pitch keeps teasing them until they were completely down. The guardians are finally down with eyes close and Pitch with Dark Jack, Gail, Vanessa, Isabel and Yokai or Callaghen. " Gail: What we'll do to them Pitch? Pitch: Nothing but let's take one of them. Gail: Do you think there's no room for one more? Pitch: Oh yeah right. Nevermind. Take them back to the North Pole. Gail: Ok.

North Pole
" The bad guardians arrive carrying the good guardians and lie them to their beds. In Jack's room, Gail opens the door and lay Jack down. When finished, Gail looks at Jack for to long with Jack opening his eyes a little. " Jack: ( Open his eyes a little ) Gail.. You came back.. Gail: ( Tears down ) Jack: Why are you crying snowflake? Gail: I'm so sorry Jack.. I can't stay long because of Pitch and the injection affects me even more. Jack: Gail.. Gail: Save me please.. ( Fly away ) Jack: Gail..

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