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The meeting was long and boring as I'd expected it to be and I sat in my corner towards the back of the room as all the execs argued and presented cases on the problems and solutions of their departments.

No one paid me any mind. No one cared that a lowly accountant was apart of a meeting that had nothing to do with him and even now, I still didn't know my purpose of being here. Every so often my gaze would settle on Jon's and he'd either look peeved, bored or mildly interested, depending on who was talking or presenting.

His dad did nothing to help the matter and every few minutes the two of them would be caught in an argument of which none of the others dared interrupt. I sighed once more as an argument between them finally came to a halt and this time Jon's glare landed on me before his expression became blank.

No one noticed the quick flutter of his eyes as he scanned the portion of my body that was visible before once more refocusing on the meeting at hand and I threw my head back as I gave up. There was no rescuing me from this nightmare and for once I wished my supervisor would save me.

By lunch I was ready to explode and it seemed I wasn't the only one as a few others looked fed up and hungry. A silent game started with me and a few of the other low ranking employees to see how long the big ones would notice the time and for a brief time, that was entertainment in itself. By 12:30 I was ready to bring the house down and I stared at Jon as he and an exec was in a heated debate concerning fuck knows what.

When he sighed and looked over at me I raised my eyebrow before nudging at the wall clock and he ignored me before turning to the man speaking.

"I would love to sit here for hours and just have this debate with you but frankly it would be futile and I haven't the time of day. Our expenditure is way more than our surplus and for right now, something has to be done about that. Right now being Monday of course. So let's call it a day, get some lunch and discuss this in our next meeting."

There were long sighs going around the room and I smirked as the meeting finally came to an end. I was the first person up but when my acting boss called my name, I barely managed to suppress a groan.

"Yes sir."

"Grab your coat, we're going to lunch."

"Come again?"

"You heard me. We have some things to discuss and we should do it over lunch. My secretary has already reserved our seats and we're already late so let's get a move on."

"I have-"

"Stop complaining, it's not manly." Jon cut in and I rolled my eyes as he walked out the conference room.

Following him, I withheld yet another eye roll and wondered what exactly I found appealing about him. That exact moment my eyes went to his butt and I cocked my head to the side as I watched the rhythm of it moving very nicely from side to side.

Okay, that is definitely worth it.

We entered the elevator that took us to the ground floor and for the entire ride down, Jon remained silent as he stared at his phone. The car ride was just as silent and even though I wanted to give some snide little remark, my urge for food was way greater than my need to communicate.

"If you're done staring at me, we've arrived." Jon stated, cutting into my thoughts.

"I wasn't staring, I was-"

"Ogling? Is that a better choice of word?"

"Oh shut up, I'm starving."

The second we sat down, people were rushing over to serve us and I was more than happy to get food in my stomach.

It was the respectable thing to wait on your superiors to eat before you do but he had used up most of my lunch break and I wasn't about to let him use up more.

"If you were starving all you had to do was say something."

"And be eaten alive by all the sharks in the room? I think not."

Jon chuckled as he ate his food and with one last lick of my finger, my plate was shining.

"You do know utensils were created for eating, right?"

"You do know I don't care, right?"

Shaking his head, he took a sip of his expensive champagne as he loosened his jacket.

"So, what did you want to discuss?"

"You're going home for the weekend?"

"Am... yes?"

"Huh, okay."

"Am... Did you need me to do something? Balance any books or review anything?"


No... that's it? He basically commanded that I come to lunch with him to discuss work and all he wanted to know was if I was going home for the weekend?

"You want me, don't you?" I stated randomly and Jon choked on the piece of food he just placed in his mouth.

Looking around quickly, he gave me a scolding look that I smirked off as a few of the other guests and waiters closest to us heard me.

"Mr. McPherson."

"Yes Mr. Crawford?" I responded sweetly, winking as he shakes his head.

Sighing Jon wipes his mouth with the napkin before clearing the bill and we both headed out. I knew I'd be in for it but that was payback for inviting me to a meeting I never wanted to go to and then starving me half to death.

The second we were back in the limo and closed off from the outside world and the driver, my body was fiercely pinned to the seat as Jon's lips attacked mine and his hand bravely cupped my crotch.

"You ill mannered, spoiled little bratt." He groaned as his kisses littered my neck.

I could feel myself getting hard at his assault and as he pressed himself further into me, I was made aware that I wasn't the only one.

"Payback." I roughly groaned, trying and failing to get the upper hand.

Grinding his hardon against my own erection, Jon closed his eyes as he relished the feeling and that gave me the opening I needed.

Pushing him onto the seat so that he was in a sitting position, I quickly knelt between his legs as I fumbled with his belt. My underpantsing skills... if that's even a word, came in handy and I got his little fellow out before he could even stop me.

That's an understatement. He was the white version of a mandingo.

Wait... is that racist?

My fantasy of seeing him squirm before me was swiftly fulfilled as the tip of his already wet head disappeared into my mouth and I groaned as he felt and tasted just as I imagined.

I wanted to cum on contact and I almost did at the sound of his husky, sex filled voice calling my name as his hand forces my head further down.

The door is suddenly pulled open and the look on Mr. Crawford's face was priceless as he witnessed his son being sucked off by his employee.

"Jon?! What-"

My Boss, My Obsession (TTSPG Book Two.)Where stories live. Discover now