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It was probably a bad idea for me to just leave work early even though I knew I had mountains of paperwork to get done but my body was numb and my mind on pause so I just said screw it and walked out.

It was barely after two and the usually busy streets were devoid of all traffic as I sped through, not really slowing to check if cops were on the road or if other vehicles would be doing something stupid around me.

In no time I was home and I marched straight up to my bed, ignoring the fact that I still had my shoes and clothes on as I threw myself onto it.

I shouldn't be this worried for a man I barely even knew but then how can I say that when the past several weeks that was all I did. I knew what pissed him off and what made him happy, which was a very rare sight. I knew what he ate for breakfast, lunch and dinner and how he liked it and I knew when he slept at his office instead of going home.

I knew all those things yet there was so much I didn't know.

I didn't know where he lived or what he did whenever he wasn't at work. I didn't know what he did for entertainment, if he liked music or what genre, if he read or watched TV.

Sighing, I allowed the darkness that was sleep to envelope me and didn't wake until way into the evening. The sun had already set and the full moon outside was almost covered by the black sky as the heavy rain poured. Loud thunder could be heard before the place brightened by the flashes of light spreading across the sky causing me to groan as another storm was upon us.

"I hate these thunderstorms." Damon says as he suddenly appears behind me.

I had somehow managed to get to the kitchen to grab candles just in case we had an outtage and I spun around as we came face to face.

"Oh, you're home." I responded, trying to put some distance between us and avoiding making eye contact with him.

"Yea, I checked in on you earlier but you were fast asleep."


I took the long way around the kitchen to get to the living room but Damon figures it out and blocks my path.

"Can you stop trying to avoid me? It's been two days since we kissed and-"

"Damon, no. We can't... That kiss-"

"Yes! Finally you acknowledge that we kissed, now can you please look at me?"

"Damon you have a boyfriend and I-"

"He broke up with me!"

"That doesn't make what we did right."

"I never said it was right I just said it happened and it's no big deal-"

"How is it no big deal? You're my friend. My brother's friend and we made out."

"Good! We kissed, we didn't have sex and yet you can't look me in the eye."

"Because it was wrong and-"

"You're the one who always talks about not overthinking things and not making it personal and yet here you are-"

"Chris is a good guy and he's paranoid, the last thing he needs is to know you made out with me."

"You did what now?"

No! Oh good God above, if you're real please tell me it isn't who I know it is.

At least let the earth open up and swallow me.

"Chris." Damon says as he turns towards the side door.

Slowly, very, very slowly, slower than a slug doing a 360° turn, I turned towards the side door that I never remember to close.

The rain was loud enough to drown an opera singer causing neither of us to hear the door swing open and the fact that we were shouting at each other left no room to wonder whether or not we were heard.

Standing towards the door was my twin and a very pissed Chris all drenched as they obviously ran through the rain. The only reason they'd be at the back here would be that Damon locked the front and because of the rain we couldn't hear them knocking.

"You guys kissed?" Chris asked as he comes further into the room and although the storm outside is making it hard to hear, there was no denying the venom in his voice.

Derek stands quietly in the corner as he stared at me and without looking I could feel the disappointment and disgust wafting off him.

"Chris, I can explain." Damon says calmly as with every step Chris takes forward he takes two back.

"You fucking asshole!" Chris started screaming and it actually scared me to see this side of him.

"I was drunk, we both were."

"I'm so fucking sick of hearing that bullshit excuse from you, you fucking fuckwad!"

I could have sworn I saw fumes coming from him with how angry he was and yet he seemed to get angrier.

"Would you just calm down-"

"Don't fucking tell me to calm down! I'm so tired of you ruining me. What's the sense in loving someone who continuously sleeps with people and then tells me I should be greatful it's women. Well guess what?! He's not a fucking woman! He's your friend! A brother even and you had your fucking tongue down his throat."

I wanted to say something to diffuse the situation but the words died on my throat when my brother shook his head. I go to argue with him when I spot a drenched Jon standing in the doorway seconds before the lights went out.



I scrambled to get my phone from my pocket and realized I didn't have it seconds before the lights flickered back on and there was no mistaking the tall, rigid form of my boss as he stood staring me down.

Chris momentarily stops spitting fire as he looks the new intruder up and down before his gaze flashes between us two.

When Jon turns on his heels and starts walking, my sense comes back to me and I hurry after him if only to save myself from the death zone that was my kitchen.

"Hey stop." I plead, pulling on his hand and causing us both to get wet by the cold rain as we stood in the backyard.

"I don't know why..." Jon stops as he stares up into the rain and I could see how confused he was. "Why do I find the need to keep running to you?" He asks, staring down into my face and not really seeing me.

"It's not what you think."

"Really? So you didn't get drunk and made out with your friend who happens to be involved with someone else?"

"It was a mistake."

"Well at least that's something I never heard."


"No, I spent the entire day at the station being grilled by the same people who swore to protect and serve this country and I couldn't give a shit about that because you were all I could think about. And I don't even know why because you-"

I was pretty sure he had a valid reason for continuing his argument and I would have been all ears but I had also spent the day worrying about him and to know he was right in front of me alive and well caused my lips to connect with his, silencing all other comments.

My Boss, My Obsession (TTSPG Book Two.)Where stories live. Discover now