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There was a battle within him to which I didn't give a crap's ass about but before I had a chance to force myself out of his tight grasp and crash my lips against his, he was already walking away. He picked up the phone in his office that I hadn't even heard ringing and snapped at the person on the other end.

His intense gaze was glued to mine and I watched as he watched me, his focus on the conversation but his eyes holding me in place... still stuck to the wall of his bathroom and looking, I'm sure, like a complete mess.

A bangable mess.

He slips his hand inside his pants to reposition his hard on and I'm sure my eyes must have showcased how badly I wanted my hands to be his because his eyes darkened considerably.

His gaze snapped to the office door as he slammed the phone down and when he commanded someone to enter as he tried to multitask; fixing his clothes and walking over to me, I then realized that someone had just entered the room. He gives me one last, dark gaze before closing the door on me, shutting me inside and I exhale as I realized I was trapped.

He had somehow managed to fix himself and when I calmed myself enough to move, I was over at the door and pressing my ears to it as I tried my best to focus on the conversations happening on the other end. It sounded as though there were at least four persons there and I pressed myself further as I tried to make out the words. I definitely heard his father but the other voices were hard to tell. One belonged to a woman and the other two, even though different, were not familiar.

"I see you're still hard at work." One of the men stated.

"Well there is a deadline if you didn't know." Jon responded sarcastically.

"Yes, yes. I remember. How's everything coming along? Will we be able to meet it?"


"That can always be done." Mr. Richard Crawford cut in. "We're here to discuss something different."

There was a long pause as no one said anything and I quickly pulled back as I ran a hand through my hair. It sounded as though I'd be here for a while and even though I wasn't looking forward to that in the least, there wasn't anything that could be done about it unless I wanted to alert them to my presence in the boss's private room.

Reluctantly resigning to my fate, I once more loosened my tie as I sat on the spotless floor near the toilet. Bracing my head against the tiled wall, I prepared myself for the long night since I could already hear the raised voices as an argument ensued between father and son.


When my eyes reopened, they focused on the ceiling of Jon's office and I quickly looked at my watch as I sat up. It was close to four in the morning and I yawned before it was cut short when I saw Jon fast asleep, his head pressed against his hands as he sat in his chair, hands on desk. Smirking, I got up as quietly as I could and braced said desk as I stared at his sleeping form.

His hair was wild and curly and I wanted to run my hands through them if only to feel it's softness. Giving into my urges, I first slid one hand into his hair, allowing the loose curls to flow through my fingers before I added the second hand. There was a low groan coming from the sleeping man and I smirked as his head turned towards me, eyes dark with sleep.

"What are you doing?" He asks, his voice sleep filled but still commanding and dripping with raw authority.

"Ah... nothing?"

Jon raises to his full height, cracks his back and does a crappy job at suppressing his yawn as he quickly scans me from head to toe.

"Nothing?" He mimicked. "Your hands in my hair is nothing?" He raises an eyebrow and I can't help smirking.

"What? Can't a guy admire another dude's hair?"

He looks as though he wants to respond but instead opted to look at his wristwatch.

"It's almost working hours, maybe you should head home and change before the meeting starts."

"Meeting? What meeting?"

"The meeting that'll start in five hours."

He pushes back his chair before getting up and I stupidly pull his arm, effectively preventing him from walking away from me but inevitably causing him to now stand between my open legs as I'm still partially sitting on his desk.

His dark eyes are focused on me and he once more raises an eyebrow before his gaze zeroes in on my lips. Clearing my throat uncomfortably, I avoid his eyes opting instead to stare at his shirt pocket.

"Ah... I wasn't aware that I'd be attending any meeting." I said, my voice low for some unforeseen reason. Clearing my throat to sound more manly, I tried again. "I still have a ton of work to do today and I have a lunch date afterwards."

"Your point?"

Why does he always sound so commanding? So infuriating? He always managed to get my blood boiling without even having to do anything. I withheld my much needed eye roll and stared at him.

"Your meeting is scheduled to last all morning and part of lunch..."

When he still looked at me as though he didn't see my point, I rolled my eyes and shook my head, still trying to get it through his thick skull.

"I have work to do that'll take the entire morning and which cannot be done any other time since the deadline is today and I have somewhere to be at lunch."

"Ask for an extended deadline and reschedule your lunch. I need you at the meeting."

"The meeting has nothing to do with me!" I snapped stubbornly. "I'm just part of the accounts department and I know for a fact we'll only be mentioned for like a minute. There's more important things going on and-"

"There's no negotiating this. You will come."

"But I-"

"And you'll be prompt."

"I have no reason to be there!"

"I want you there."


Jon leaned closer to me, his hands pressed on either side of the desk as his hard eyes pierced into my confused ones. In they're depth showed no room for disobedience and even though I was frustrated and annoyed with him, I stayed silent as I let my face do all the talking.

His gaze took in my expression but he still hadn't moved and I realized how close he actually was. Close enough to feel my angry breath on his face and for me to feel him tense as his jaw locked. His eyes once more moved from my lips that were set in a thin line to my eyes before I felt his rough fingers pulling my chin up to him.

There was confusion written all over my features that he swiftly ignored before he claimed my mouth with his. I was briefly shocked into an unwelcomed gasp since I was the guy known for surprising people, but I didn't let that stop me as we both fought for dominion.

Pulling his waist closer to mine, I felt his hard on and it shocked me once again that he could be this turned on by me. It couldn't just be his morning greetings and as this distracted me, his mouth won the war. Pushing me flat onto his desk and ignoring the mountains of papers beneath me, he rubbed the outside of my pants, slowly bringing my lower half to attention.

I groaned as I bucked towards him and he chuckled against my lips before pulling apart, my dazed gaze trapping him in place. With one quick move he was pulling me up to him and I barely avoiding crushing into his hard chest as I pushed my hands against it.

His eyes held mine longingly and possessively and for the first time in my life I felt like a female under his intense gaze.

"You'll be prompt."

It sounded more like a command than a question and I subconsciously nodded before he smirked, pulling me in for one more earth shattering kiss before heading into his bathroom.

How is it that I'd gone from the player of this game to sitting in the bleachers watching him dominate the fields? This was my game, I set the rules and scored all the points...


My Boss, My Obsession (TTSPG Book Two.)Where stories live. Discover now